Configuring GPU run time
If you set the GPU run time factor and enabled the use of GPU historical run time, the dynamic priority is calculated according to the following formula:
dynamic priority = number_shares / (cpu_time * CPU_TIME_FACTOR + (historical_run_time + run_time) * RUN_TIME_FACTOR + (committed_run_time - run_time) * COMMITTED_RUN_TIME_FACTOR + (1 + job_slots) * RUN_JOB_FACTOR + fairshare_adjustment(struct* shareAdjustPair)*FAIRSHARE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR) + ((historical_gpu_run_time + gpu_run_time) * ngpus_physical) * GPU_RUN_TIME_FACTOR
For historical_run_time, if ENABLE_GPU_HIST_RUN_TIME is defined in the lsb.params file, the historical_run_time is the same as the job's run time (measured in hours) of finished GPU jobs, and a decay factor from time to time based on HIST_HOURS in the lsb.params file (5 hours by default).
- For jobs that ask for exclusive use of a GPU, gpu_run_time is the same as the job's run time and ngpus_physical is the value of the requested ngpus_physical in the job's effective RES_REQ string.
- For jobs that ask for an exclusive host (with the bsub -x option), the gpu_run_time is the same as the job's run time and ngpus_physical is the number of GPUs on the execution host.
- For jobs that ask for an exclusive compute unit (bsub -R "cu[excl]" option), the gpu_run_time is the same as the job's run time and ngpus_physical is the number of GPUs or all the execution hosts in the compute unit.
- For jobs that ask for shared mode GPUs, these jobs do not contribute to dynamic user priority calculations. They do not get charged for fair sharing.