Configure the application profile to use an external watchdog script to monitor the
application and specify the LSF Application Center
Notifications server to receive notifications.
To ensure that the watchdog scripts can send notifications to the LSF Application Center
Notifications server, define the LSF_AC_PNC_URL parameter in the
lsf.conf file.
Edit the lsb.applications file and define the
WATCHDOG parameter for the application profile that you want to monitor.
This parameter uses the following keywords:
- script
- Required. This keyword specifies the file path to the external watchdog script to check the
application data and other information. This file must have the proper permissions for the job
submission user to execute the script.
- init
- Optional. This keyword specifies the delay to start the watchdog script after the job starts, in
seconds. Specify a number larger than 30 seconds. The default value is 60 seconds.
- period
- Optional. This keyword specifies the interval in which to start the watchdog script after the
previous time that the watchdog script started, in seconds. Specify a number larger than 30 seconds.
The default value is 60 seconds.
To send notifications to the LSF Application Center
Notifications server, edit the lsf.conf file and define the
LSF_AC_PNC_URL parameter with the URL and listen port of the LSF Application Center
Notifications server.
If the listen port is not specified, the default port number is 8081.