Global policy daemon
Global fair share uses a daemon called global policy daemon (gpolicyd) to control global policy management across clusters.
gpolicyd collects and broadcasts resource usage among clusters when using the LSF multicluster capability or LSF/XL feature. When a cluster schedules users' jobs, it applies global resource usage to determine the scheduling order. gpolicyd listens on the port you define in LSB_GPD_PORT (in lsf.conf) for synchronizing global fair share data among clusters and serving command line request. It receives fair share loads from all clusters which participate in global fair share. gpolicyd can synchronize global fair share load for at least 32 clusters. gpolicyd then broadcasts remote fair share load to all clusters.
gpolicyd only runs on the management host of one cluster that is regarded as the global policy daemon cluster (GPD cluster), and this host must be a UNIX host. gpolicyd is started by sbatchd on that management host. To configure the management host to start gpolicyd, specify a cluster name in LSB_GPD_CLUSTER (in lsf.conf). If gpolicyd dies, sbatchd restarts it.