Configuring lsf.cluster.cluster_name Host section
About this task
The Host section is the only required section in lsf.cluster.cluster_name. It lists all the hosts in the cluster and gives configuration information for each host. The Host section must precede the ResourceMap section.
Begin Host
HOSTNAME model type server r1m mem swp RESOURCES #Keywords
hostA ! ! 1 3.5 () () (mg elimres patchrev=3 owner=user1)
hostB ! ! 1 3.5 () () (specman=5 switch=1 owner=test)
hostC ! ! 1 3.5 () () (switch=2 rack=rack2_2_3 owner=test)
hostD ! ! 1 3.5 () () (switch=1 rack=rack2_2_3 owner=test)
End Host