Suspends unfinished jobs.
bstop [-a] [-app application_profile_name] [-C suspend_reason] [-g job_group_name] [-J job_name] [-m host_name | -m host_group] [-q queue_name] [-sla service_class_name] [-u user_name | -u user_group | -u all] [0] [job_ID ... | "job_ID[index]"] ...Description
By default, the bstop command sends the SIGSTOP signal to sequential jobs and the SIGTSTP signal to parallel jobs to suspend them.
You must specify a job ID or the -g, -J, -m, -u, or -q option. You cannot suspend a job that is already suspended. Specify job ID 0 (zero) to stop multiple jobs.
Only root and LSF administrators can operate on jobs submitted by other users.
Use the bresume command to resume suspended jobs.
An administrator can use the bstop command on a job stopped by the user (in the state USUSP) to prevent the user from resuming the job.
You can also use the bkill -s STOP command to send the suspend signal to a job or use the bkill -s TSTP command to suspend one or more parallel jobs. Use the bkill -s CONT command to send a resume signal to a job.
If a signal request fails to reach the job execution host, LSF retries the operation later when the host becomes reachable. LSF retries the most recent signal request.
- 0
- Suspends all the jobs that satisfy other options (-g, -m, -q, -u, and -J).
- -a
- Suspends all jobs.
- -app application_profile_name
- Suspends only jobs associated with the specified application profile. You must specify an existing application profile.
- -C suspend_reason
- Specifies a reason for suspending the job, with a maximum length of 4095 characters. This reason is displayed in the bhist -l command output.
- -g job_group_name
- Suspends only jobs in the specified job group.
- -J job_name
- Suspends only jobs with the specified name.
The job name can be up to 4094 characters long. Job names are not unique.
The wildcard character (*) can be used anywhere within a job name, but it cannot appear within an array index. For example, the pattern job* returns jobA and jobarray[1]. The *AAA*[1] pattern returns the first element in job arrays with names that contain AAA. However, the pattern job1[*] does not return anything since the wildcard is within the array index.
- -m host_name | -m host_group
- Suspends only jobs dispatched to the specified host or host group.
- -q queue_name
- Suspends only jobs in the specified queue.
- -sla service_class_name
- Suspends jobs belonging to the specified service class.
Use the bsla command to display the properties of service classes configured in the lsb.serviceclasses file and dynamic information about the state of each configured service class.
- -u user_name | -u user_group | -u all
- Suspends only jobs owned by the specified user or user group, or all users if the keyword all is specified. To specify a Windows user account, include the domain name in uppercase letters and use a single backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\user_name) on a Windows command prompt or a double backslash (DOMAIN_NAME\\user_name) on a UNIX or Linux command line.
- job_ID ... | "job_ID[index]" ...
- Suspends only the specified jobs. Jobs submitted by any user can be specified here without using the -u option.
- -h
- Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
- -V
- Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
bstop 314
Suspends job number 314.
bstop -m hostA
Suspends the user's last job that was dispatched to host hostA.
bstop -u jsmith 0
Suspends all the jobs submitted by user jsmith.
bstop -u all
Suspends the last submitted job in the LSF system.
bstop -u all 0
Suspends all jobs for all users in the LSF system.
bstop -g /risk_group/consolidate 0
Suspends all jobs in the job group /risk_group/consolidate.
bstop -app fluent 0
Suspends all jobs associated with the application profile fluent.
See also
bapp, bgadd, bgdel, bhosts, bjgroup, bjobs, bkill, bparams, bqueues, bresume, bsub, mbatchd, kill, signal, lsb.params