Displays information about resource allocation limits of running jobs.
blimits [[-a] [-o "field_name[:[-][output_width]] ... [delimiter='character']"] | [-c] [-w] [-n limit_name ...] [-P project_name ...] [-q queue_name ...] [-u user_name | -u user_group ...] [-Lp "ls_license_project"] [-m host_name | -m host_group] [-fwd [-C cluster_name ...]] [-A application_name ...]Description
- Configured limit policy name
- Users (-u option)
- Queues (-q option)
- Hosts (-m option)
- Project names (-P option)
- Application profiles (-A option)
- Limit configuration (-c option). This option is the same as the bresources command with no options.
Resources that have no configured limits or no limit usage are indicated by a dash (-). Limits are displayed in a USED/LIMIT format. For example, if a limit of 10 slots is configured and 3 slots are in use, then the blimits command displays the limit for SLOTS as 3/10.
No resource usage found.
If limits MEM, SWP, or TMP are configured as percentages, both the limit and the amount that is used are displayed in MB. For example, the lshosts command displays maxmem of 249 MB, and MEM is limited to 10% of available memory. If 10 MB out of 25 MB are used, the blimits command displays the limit for MEM as 10/25 (10 MB USED from a 25 MB LIMIT).
Limits are displayed for both the vertical tabular format and the horizontal format for Limit sections. If a vertical format Limit section has no name, the blimits command displays NONAMEnnn under the NAME fields for these limits. The unnamed limits are numbered in the order that the vertical-format Limit sections appear in the lsb.resources file.
If a resource consumer is configured as all, the limit usage for that consumer is indicated by a dash (-)
PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts command displays these limits as MAX.
When LSF adds more resources to a running resizable job, the blimits command displays the added resources. When LSF removes resources from a running resizable job, the blimits command displays the updated resources.
In LSF multicluster capability, the blimits command returns the information about all limits in the local cluster.
Limit names and policies are set up by the LSF administrator in the lsb.resources file.
- -a
- Displays information about all resource allocation limits, even if they are not being applied to running jobs. For limits with running jobs, blimits displays limit usage information. For limits that do not have any running jobs, blimits displays resource limit configuration information.
- -o
- Sets the customized output format.
- Specify which blimits fields, in which order, and with what width to display.
- Specify only the blimits field name to set its output to unlimited width and left justification.
- Specify the colon (:) without a width to set the output width to the supported width for that field.
- Specify the colon (:) with a width to set the maximum number of characters to display for the field. When its value exceeds this width, blimits truncates the ending characters.
- Specify a hyphen (-) to set right justification when blimits displays the output for the specific field. If not specified, the default is to set left justification when blimits displays output for a field.
- Use delimiter= to set the delimiting character to display between different headers and field. This delimiter must be a single character. By default, the delimiter is a space.
Field names are not case-sensitive. Valid values for the output width are any positive integer from 1 to 4096.
The -o cannot be used if either the -c or -fwd options are also used.
If the blimits command is specified with the -w (to display resource allocation limits information in a wide format) and -o options, the -o option overrides the -w option; that is, blimits takes the value of this -o option instead of -w option.
This table outlines the blimits fields to display, and their supported widths for the displayed field:Table 1. Output fields for blimits Field name Width NAME 12 CLUSTER 12 USERS 16 QUEUES 16 HOSTS 16 PROJECTS 16 LIC_PROJECTS 20 APPS 8 SLOTS 8 MEM 8 TMP 8 SWP 8 JOBS 8 Any user defined resources 10 For example:blimits -o "name queues:10 HOSTS:- delimiter=','"
This command displays the following fields:
- NAME with unlimited width and left justified.
- QUEUES with a maximum width of ten characters and left justified.
- HOSTS with a maximum width of 16 characters (which is the maximum supported width) and right justified.
- The , character is displayed between the field names.
- -c
- Displays all resource configurations in the lsb.resources file. This option
is the same as the bresources command with no options.
If specified with the -gl option when using the LSF multicluster capability, displays the global limits configurations in the lsb.globalpolicies file instead of the resource configurations in the lsb.resources file.
- -fwd [-C cluster_name ...]
- Displays forward slot allocation limits. Use the -fwd option with the
-c option to display forward slot limit configuration.
The -fwd option cannot be used with the -gl or -m options.
In LSF Advanced Edition, the -fwd -C cluster_name option displays forward slot allocation limits for one or more specified clusters. Use the -fwd -C option with the -c option to display forward slot limit configuration for the specified cluster.
- -gl
- Displays current usage of global limits that are configured in the
lsb.globalpolicies file instead of the resource configurations in the
lsb.resources file when using the LSF multicluster
The -gl option cannot be used with the -fwd or -m options.
- -w
- Displays resource allocation limits information in a wide format. Fields are displayed without truncation.
- -A application_name ...
- Displays resource allocation limits for the specified application profiles.
If a list of applications is specified, application names must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation marks (") or (').
- -Lp "ls_project_name"
- Displays resource allocation limits for jobs that belong to the specified LSF License Scheduler project.
- -m "host_name|host_group"
- Displays resource allocation limits for the specified hosts. Use quotation marks when you
specify multiple hosts names or groups. Without quotation marks, only the first host name or group
that is specified is used.
To see the available hosts, use the bhosts command.
The following limit information is displayed for host groups:
- If the limits are configured with the HOSTS parameter, the name of the host group is displayed.
- If the limits are configured with the PER_HOST parameter, the names of the hosts that belong to the group are displayed instead of the name of the host group.
The -m option cannot be used with the -fwd or -gl options.
Tip: PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts command displays these limits as MXJ.To see a list of host groups, use the bmgroup comand.
- -n limit_name ...
- Displays resource allocation limits the specified named Limit sections. If a list of limit sections is specified, Limit section names must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation marks (" or ').
- -P project_name ...
- Displays resource allocation limits for the specified projects.
If a list of projects is specified, project names must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation marks (") or (').
- -q queue_name ...
- Displays resource allocation limits for the specified queues.
The command bqueues returns a list of queues that are configured in the system, and information about the configurations of these queues.
In LSF multicluster capability, you cannot specify remote queues.
- -u user_name | -u user_group ...
- Displays resource allocation limits for the specified users.
If a list of users is specified, user names must be separated by spaces and enclosed in quotation marks (") or ('). You can specify both user names and user IDs in the list of users.
If a user group is specified, displays the resource allocation limits that include that group in their configuration. To see a list of user groups, use the bugroup command).
- -h
- Prints command usage to stderr and exits.
- -V
- Prints LSF release version to stderr and exits.
Configured limits and resource usage for built-in resources (slots, mem, tmp, and swp load indices, and running and suspended job limits) are displayed as INTERNAL RESOURCE LIMITS separately from custom external resources, which are shown as EXTERNAL RESOURCE LIMITS.
Output for resource consumers
- The name of the limit policy as specified by the Limit section NAME parameter.
- List of user names or user groups on which the displayed limits are enforced, as specified by
the Limit section parameters USERS or
User group names have a slash (/) added at the end of the group name.
- The name of the queue to which the limits apply, as specified by the
Limit section parameters QUEUES or
If the queue was removed from the configuration, the queue name is displayed as lost_and_found. Use the bhist command to get the original queue name. Jobs in the lost_and_found queue remain pending until they are switched with the bswitch command into another queue.
In an LSF multicluster capability resource leasing environment, jobs that are scheduled by the consumer cluster display the remote queue name in the format queue_name@cluster_name. By default, this field truncates at 10 characters, so you might not see the cluster name unless you use the -w or -l option.
- List of hosts and host groups on which the displayed limits are enforced, as specified by the
Limit section parameters HOSTS or
Host group names have a slash (/) added at the end of the group name.
Tip: PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts command displays these limits as MXJ. - PROJECTS
- List of project names on which limits are enforced, as specified by the Limit section parameters PROJECTS or PER_PROJECT.
- List of application names on which limits are enforced, as specified by the Limit section parameters APPS or PER_APP.
Output for resource limits
- Number of slots that are currently used and maximum number of slots that are configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section SLOTS parameter.
- Amount of memory that is currently used and maximum that is configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section MEM parameter.
- Amount of tmp space that is currently used and maximum amount of tmp space that is configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section TMP parameter.
- Amount of swap space that is currently used and maximum amount of swap space that is configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section SWP parameter.
- Number of currently running and suspended jobs and the maximum number of jobs that are configured for the limit policy, as specified by the Limit section JOBS parameter.
- Displays the value that has been configured , as specified by the Limit section parameter INELIGIBLE.
See also
bclusters, bhosts, bhist, bmgroup, bqueues, bugroup, lsb.resources