Submitting jobs to application profiles
About this task
Use the -app option of bsub to specify an application profile for the job.
Run bsub -app to submit jobs to an application
bsub -app fluent -q overnight myjob
LSF rejects the job if the specified application profile does not exist.
Modifying the application profile associated with a job
Before you begin
You can only modify the application profile for pending jobs.
Run bmod -app application_profile_name to
modify the application profile of the job.
The -appn option dissociates the specified job from its application profile. If the application profile does not exist, the job is not modified
bmod -app fluent 2308
Associates job 2308 with the application profile fluent.
bmod -appn 2308
Dissociates job 2308 from the application profile fluent.
Controlling jobs associated with application profiles
About this task
bstop, bresume, and bkill operate on jobs associated with the specified application profile. You must specify an existing application profile. If job_ID or 0 is not specified, only the most recently submitted qualifying job is operated on.