Adding an application profile to the lsb.applications file

Add new application profile definitions to the lsb.applications file.


  1. Log in as the LSF administrator on any host in the cluster.
  2. Edit the lsb.applications file to add the new application profile definition.
    You can copy another application profile definition from this file as a starting point.
    Remember: Change the name of the copied profile in the NAME parameter.
  3. Save the changes to the lsb.applications file.
  4. Run the badmin reconfig command to reconfigure the mbatchd daemon.


Adding an application profile does not affect pending or running jobs.

Remove an application profile

Remove application profile definitions from the lsb.applications file.

Before you begin

Before you remove an application profile, make sure that no pending jobs are associated with the application profile.

About this task

If jobs are in the application profile, use the bmod -app command to move pending jobs to another application profile, then remove the application profile. Running jobs are not affected by removing the application profile associated with them.

Restriction: You cannot remove a default application profile.


  1. Log in as the LSF administrator on any host in the cluster.
  2. Run the bmod -app command to move all pending jobs into another application profile.
    If you leave pending jobs associated with an application profile that has been removed, they remain pending with the following pending reason:
    Specified application profile does not exist
  3. Edit the lsb.applications file and delete or comment out the definition for the application profile you want to remove.
  4. Save the changes to the lsb.applications file.
  5. Run the badmin reconfig command to reconfigure the mbatchd daemon.

Define a default application profile

Set the DEFAULT_APPLICATION parameter in the lsb.params file to define a default application profile that is used when a job is submitted without specifying an application profile.


  1. Log in as the LSF administrator on any host in the cluster.
  2. Specify the name of the default application profile in the DEFAULT_APPLICATION parameter in the lsb.params file.
  3. Save the changes to the lsb.params file.
  4. Run the badmin reconfig command to reconfigure the mbatchd daemon.