User-assigned job priority

User-assigned job priority enables users to order their jobs in a queue. Submitted job order is the first consideration to determine job eligibility for dispatch. After you change the priority of your job relative to other jobs in the queue, it is still subject to all scheduling policies regardless of job priority. Jobs with the same priority are ordered first come first served.

The job owner can change the priority of their own jobs relative to all other jobs in the queue. LSF and queue administrators can change the priority of all jobs in a queue.

When with the MAX_USER_PRIORITY parameter is configured in the lsb.params file, user-assigned job priority is enabled for all queues in your cluster. You can also configure automatic job priority escalation to automatically increase the priority of jobs that have been pending for a specified period of time.


The btop and bbot commands move jobs relative to other jobs of the same priority. These commands do not change job priority.