Configuring LSF to run Podman jobs

Configure the Podman application profile or queue in LSF to run jobs in Podman containers.

About this task

You cannot run pre-execution and post-execution scripts in container jobs. The following are workarounds for specific pre-execution and post-execution operations:
  • To prepare data for the container as a pre-execution or post-execution operation, put this data into a directory that is mounted to a job container.
  • To customize the internal job container, you can customize the starter scripts to prepare the appropriate environment.


  1. Edit the lsb.applications or lsb.queues file and define the CONTAINER parameter for the application profile or queue to run Podman jobs:
    CONTAINER=podman[image(image_name) options(podman_run_options)]

    If this parameter is specified in both files, the parameter value in the lsb.applications file overrides the value in the lsb.queues file.

    For more details, refer to the CONTAINER parameter in the lsb.applications file or the CONTAINER parameter in the lsb.queues file.

    In the following examples, LSF uses the centos image to run the job in the Podman container.

    • For sequential jobs:
      CONTAINER=podman[image(centos) options(--rm)]

      The container for the job is removed after the job is done, which is enabled with the podman run --rm option.

    • For parallel jobs:
      CONTAINER=podman[image(centos)  options(--rm --net=host --ipc=host -v /path/to/my/passwd:/etc/passwd)]

      This command uses the following podman run options:

      The container for the job is removed after the job is done
      LSF needs the host network for launching parallel tasks.
      LSF needs the user ID and user name for launching parallel tasks.
      Note: The passwd file must be in the standard format for UNIX and Linux password files, such as the following format:
  2. Edit the lsb.applications or lsb.queues file and define the EXEC_DRIVER parameter for the application profile or queue to run Podman jobs.

    For Podman jobs, you must specify context[user(default)] as the user account for starting scripts.

    If this parameter is specified in both files, the parameter value in the lsb.applications file overrides the value in the lsb.queues file.

    EXEC_DRIVER=context[user(default)] \
                starter[/path/to/serverdir/] \

    Replace /path/to/serverdir with the actual file path of the LSF_SERVERDIR directory.

    The file permissions of the starter and controller scripts must be 0755 for Podman jobs.