Cluster characteristics
Find the name of your cluster after installation, cluster administrators, and where hosts are defined.
Cluster name and administrators
Your cluster is installed according to the installation options specified by the lsfinstall -f install.config command and the options you chose in the install.config file. The cluster name that you specified at installation is part of the name of the LSF_CONFDIR/lsf.cluster.cluster_name file.
Cluster administrators are listed in the ClusterAdmins section of the LSF_CONFDIR/lsf.cluster.cluster_name file.
LSF hosts
- Host types that are installed in your cluster are listed in the Hosts section of the LSF_CONFDIR/lsf.cluster.cluster_name file.
- The LSF management host is the first host that is configured in the Hosts section of LSF_CONFDIR/lsf.cluster.cluster_name file.
- LSF server hosts that are defined in your cluster are indicated by 1 in the server column of the Hosts section in the LSF_CONFDIR/lsf.cluster.cluster_name file.
- LSF client-only hosts that are defined in your cluster are indicated by 0 in the server column of the Hosts section in the LSF_CONFDIR/lsf.cluster.cluster_name file.