Assigns an account name (tag) to hosts that are borrowed through LSF resource connector, so that the hosts cannot be used by other user groups, users, or jobs.
bsub -rcacct "rc_account_name "Description
When a job is submitted with a specified account name, hosts that are borrowed to run this job are tagged with the specified account name. The borrowed host cannot be used by other jobs that have a different specified account name (or no specified account name).
After the borrowed host joins the cluster, use the lshosts -s command to view the value of the tagged account name.
To use the bsub -rcacct command option, ENABLE_RC_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_BY_USER=Y must be defined in the lsb.params file.
The account name that is specified here at the job level overrides the value of the RC_ACCOUNT parameter at the application and queue levels (lsb.applications and lsb.queues files), and also overrides the cluster-wide project name that is set if DEFAULT_RC_ACCOUNT_PER_PROJECT=Y is defined in the lsb.params file.