Submits a job using a JSON file to specify job submission options.
bsub -json file_nameConflicting options
Do not use with the following options: -jsdl, -jsdl_strict, -yaml.
In the JSON file, specify the bsub option name or alias and the value as the key-value pair. To specify job command or job script, use the command option name with the name of the command or job script as the value. For options that have no values (flags), use null or (for string-type options) an empty value. Specify the key-value pairs under the category name of the option.
- The parameters that are specified in the command line override all other parameters.
- The parameters that are specified in the JSON file override the job script.
Job submission options and aliases
The following is a list of the bsub options to use in the file. You can use either the option name without a hyphen, or the alias. For example, to use the bsub -app option, specify either appName or app as the key name, and the application profile name as the key value.
Option | Alias | Category | Type | Maximum characters |
a | appSpecific | schedule | String | 16415 |
alloc_flags | allocFlags | resource | String | Not applicable |
app | appName | properties | String | 59 |
ar | autoResize | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
B | notifyJobDispatch | notify | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
b | specifiedStartTime | schedule | String | 16 |
C | coreLimit | limit | Numeric | Not applicable |
c | cpuTimeLimit | limit | String | 63 for hostnames (that is, if a hostname is specified as part of the limit, the host name is limited to 63 characters) |
clusters | clusters | resource schedule |
String | 39 per cluster |
cn_cu | computeNodeComputeUnit | resource | String | Not applicable |
cn_mem | computeNodeMem | resource | Numeric | Not applicable |
core_isolation | coreIsolation | resource | Numeric | Not applicable |
csm | csm | properties | String | 1 (accepts either yor y) |
cwd | cwd | io | String | 4095 |
D | dataLimit | limit | Numeric | Not applicable |
data | data | resource properties |
String array | Up to 4095 for paths, or less than or equal to the NI_MAXHOST value (defined in the system header files) minus one) for hosts |
datachk | dataCheck | resource properties |
String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
datagrp | dataGroup | resource properties |
String | Not applicable |
E | preExecCmd | properties | String | 4095 |
Ep | postExecCmd | properties | String | 4095 |
e | errorAppendFile | io | String | 4095 |
env | envVariable | properties | String | 4095 |
eo | errorOverwriteFile | io | String | 4095 |
eptl | epLimitRemain | limit | String | 511 |
ext | extSched | schedule | String | 1048575 |
F | fileLimit | limit | Numeric | Not applicable |
f | file | io | String | 4095 |
freq | frequency | resource | Numeric | Not applicable |
G | userGroup | schedule | String | 511 |
g | jobGroupName | properties | String | 511 |
gpu | gpu | resource | String | 768 for each key-value pair |
H | hold | schedule | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
hl | hostLimit | limit | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
hostfile | hostFile | resource | String | 4095 |
I | interactive | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
Ip | interactivePty | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
IS | interactiveSsh | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
ISp | interactiveSshPty | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
ISs | interactiveSshPtyShell | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
Is | interactivePtyShell | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
IX | interactiveXWin | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
i | inputFile | io | String | 4095 |
is | inputHandleFile | io | String | 4095 |
J | jobName | properties | String | 4095 |
Jd | jobDescription | properties | String | 4095 |
jsm | jobStepManager | properties | String | 1 (accepts either y, y, or d) |
K | jobWaitDone | notify properties |
String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
k | checkPoint | properties | String | 4095 |
L | loginShell | properties | String | 58 (which is the operating system limit) |
Lp | licenseProjectName | schedule | String | 2047 |
ln_mem | launchNodeMem | resource | Numeric | Not applicable |
ln_slots | launchNodeSlots | resource | Numeric | Not applicable |
M | memLimit | limit | String | Not applicable |
m | machines | resource | String | 65 per host |
mig | migThreshold | schedule | Numeric | Not applicable |
N | notifyJobDone | notify | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
Ne | notifyJobExit | notify | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
n | numTasks | resource | String | Not applicable |
notify | notifyJobAny | notify | String | 25 |
network | networkReq | resource | String | 768 for each key-value pair |
nnodes | numNodes | resource | Numeric | Not applicable |
o | outputAppendFile | io | String | 4095 |
oo | outputOverwriteFile | io | String | 4095 |
outdir | outputDir | io | String | 4095 |
P | projectName | properties | String | 511ho |
p | processLimit | limit | String | Not applicable |
pack | pack | pack | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
ptl | pendTimeLimit | limit | String | 511 |
Q | exitCode | properties | String | 511 |
q | queueName | properties | String | 59 for each queue |
R | resReq | resource | String array | Not applicable |
r | rerun | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
rn | rerunNever | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
rnc | resizeNotifCmd | properties | String | 4095 |
S | stackLimit | limit | Numeric | Not applicable |
s | signal | properties | Numeric | Not applicable |
sla | serviceClassName | properties | String | 59 |
smt | smt | properties | Numeric | Not applicable |
sp | jobPriority | properties | Numeric | Not applicable |
stage | stage | properties | String | 4095 |
step_cgroup | stepCgroup | properties | String | 1 (accepts either yor n) |
T | threadLimit | limit | Numeric | Not applicable |
t | specifiedTerminateTime | schedule | String | 16 |
ti | terminateIndepend | schedule | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
tty | tty | io | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
U | rsvId | schedule resource |
String | 59 |
u | mailUser | notify | String | 511 |
ul | userLimit | limit | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
v | swapLimit | limit | String | Not applicable |
W | runtimeLimit | limit | String | 64 for host models (defined in lsf.shared in the HostModel section) |
We | estimatedRunTime | limit | String | 64 for host models (defined in lsf.shared in the HostModel section) |
w | dependency | schedule | String | Not applicable |
wa | warningAction | properties | String | 6 |
wt | warningTime | properties | String | Not applicable |
XF | x11Forward | properties | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
x | exclusive | schedule | String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
Zs | jobSpool | properties script |
String | 0 (takes no arguments) |
h | help | String | 0 (takes no arguments) | |
V | version | String | 0 (takes no arguments) | |
command The job command with arguments or job script. |
cmd | String | 64,000 (which is the maximum length of one line in the job submission file) |
For more information on the syntax of the key values to specify for each option, refer to the description of each bsub option in bsub.
bsub -r -H -N -Ne -i /tmp/input/jobfile.sh -outdir /tmp/output -C 5 -c 2022:12:12 -cn_mem 256 -hostfile /tmp/myHostFile.txt -q normal -G myUserGroup -u "user@example.com" myjob
"io": {
"inputFile": "/tmp/input/jobfile.sh",
"outputDir": "/tmp/output"
"limit": {
"coreLimit": 5,
"cpuTimeLimit": "2022:12:12"
"resource": {
"computeNodeMem": 256,
"hostFile": "/tmp/myHostFile.txt"
"properties": {
"queueName": "normal",
"rerun": null
"schedule": {
"hold": "",
"userGroup": "myUserGroup"
"notify": {
"notifyJobDone": "",
"notifyJobExit": "",
"mailUser": "user@example.com"
"command": "myjob"