For LSF resource connector. Enables support for the bhosts -rc and bhosts -rconly command options to get LSF resource connector provider host information
If you use the MQTT message broker daemon (mosquitto) that is provided with LSF resource connector, specifies the host name where LIM starts that mosquitto daemon. The MQTT message broker receives provider host information from ebrokerd and publishes that information for the bhosts -rc and bhosts -rconly command options to display. If the LSF_MQ_BROKER_HOSTS parameter is not specified, the MQTT broker is not started, and the bhosts -rc and bhosts -rconly command options fail.
Specify hosts that run the MQTT message broker daemon (mosquitto). When LIM starts, it checks the LSF_MQ_BROKER_HOSTS parameter, and if a host is on the list, LIM starts the mosquitto daemon on this host. For failover to work properly for displaying resource connector hosts, define all the management candidate hosts in this list.
LIM manages the message broker lifecycle, terminating and restarting it when necessary.
Failure of the mosquitto daemon is recorded in the LIM log.
The host_name is one of the existing LSF cluster hosts. After configuring this parameter, run the bctrld restart lim command on the management host. If the specified host name is not the management host, run the bctrld restart lim host_name command.
To verify that the mosquitto daemon is up and running, use the ps -ef | grep mosquitto command.
Not defined.
See also
- bhosts -rc and bhosts -rconly