Applies to job packs only. Enables the job packs feature and specifies the maximum number of job submission requests in one job pack.
If the value is 0, job packs are disabled.
If the value is 1, jobs from the file are submitted individually, as if submitted directly using the bsub command.
Set this parameter to 100 as the initial pack size and tune the value based on cluster performance. The larger the pack size, the faster the job submission rate is for all the job requests the job submission file. However, while mbatchd is processing a pack, mbatchd is blocked from processing other requests, so increasing pack size can affect mbatchd response time for other job submissions.
If you change the configuration of this parameter, you must restart mbatchd.
Parameters related to job packs are not supported as environment variables.
Valid Values
Any positive integer or 0.
Set to 300 at time of installation for the HIGH_THROUGHPUT configuration template. If otherwise undefined, then 0 (disabled).