For use when the ALLOCATION_PLANNER parameter is enabled. Used to identify the jobs that are candidates for planning.


PLAN = Y | N | "<key>[value] ..."


LSF requires that the ALLOCATION_PLANNER parameter is enabled in order to use PLAN=Y.

Also defined at the application and queue levels. The precedence is: application, queue, global. For example, application level setting overrides the queue level setting.

The following key-value pairs are supported:

Table 1. Key-Value pairs for PLAN
key value Default Description
DELAY positive integer - Number of minutes to delay before considering making a plan for a job following the job's submission time.
MAX_JOBS positive integer - Maximum number of jobs that can have a plan concurrently.
RSCHED_TIME positive integer - Number of minutes before recalculating the plan. If set to 0, the plan is recalculated in each plan-making cycle.

The PLAN parameter replaces the existing SLOT_RESERVE parameter and RESOURCE_RESERVE parameter when the ALLOCATION_PLANNER parameter is enabled.
