
AR_AVAILABLE_STATUS={ok closed_full closed_Busy closed_Wind ...}


This parameter defines which hosts are considered available for the creation of an AR. It is determined by the following default status configurations:
  • ok: hosts that have a batch status as 'ok'
  • closed_Full: the previous non-AR jobs (if any) will be suspended
  • closed_Busy: the previous non-AR jobs (if any) will be suspended
  • closed_Wind: the AR jobs will only run when the host's dispatch time aligns with the AR's active window time
The following host-based statuses can also be considered for the parameter provided the lim status of the host is 'ok':
  • closed_Adm
  • closed_EGO
  • closed_LIM
  • closed_Lock
  • unavailable
  • unreach


Set to {ok closed_full closed_Busy closed_Wind} at the time of installation. Otherwise, not defined.