Viewing job-level resource requirements


  1. Use bjobs -l to view resource requirements defined for the job:
    bsub -R "type==any" -q normal myjob
    Job <2533> is submitted to queue <normal>.
    bjobs -l 2533
    Job <2533>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Status <DONE>, Queue <normal>,
         Command <myjob>
    Fri May 10 17:21:26 2009: Submitted from host <hostA>, CWD <$HOME>, Requested
      Resources <{hname=hostB} || {hname=hostC}>;
    Fri May 10 17:21:31 2009: Started on <hostB>, Execution Home </home/user1>,
      Execution CWD </home/user1>;
    Fri May 10 17:21:47 2009: Done successfully. The CPU time used is 0.3 seconds.
  2. After a job is finished, use bhist -l to view resource requirements defined for the job:
    bhist -l 2533
    Job <2533>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Command <myjob>
    Fri May 10 17:21:26 2009: Submitted from host <hostA>, to Queue <normal>, CWD
         <$HOME>, Requested Resources <{hname=hostB} || {hname=hostC}>;
    Fri May 10 17:21:31 2009: Dispatched to <hostB>, <Effective RES_REQ <select[
    (hname = hostC ) && (type == any)] order[r15s:pg] >>;
    Fri May 10 17:21:32 2009: Starting (Pid 1850232);
    Fri May 10 17:21:33 2009: Running with execution home </home/user1>, Execution
         CWD </home/user1>, Execution Pid <1850232>;
    Fri May 10 17:21:45 2009: Done successfully. The CPU time used is 0.3 seconds;
    Note: If you submitted a job with multiple select strings using the bsub -R option, bjobs -l and bhist -l display a single, merged select string.