External load indices commands

Commands to submit workload



bsub -R "res_req" [-R "res_req"] …

  • Runs the job on a host that meets the specified resource requirements.

  • If you specify a value for a dynamic external resource in the resource requirements string, LSF uses the most recent values that are provided by your elim executables for host selection.

  • For example:
    • Define a dynamic external resource called "usr_tmp" that represents the space available in the /usr/tmp directory.

    • Write an elim executable to report the value of usr_tmp to LSF.

    • To run the job on hosts that have more than 15 MB available in the /usr/tmp directory, run the command bsub -R "usr_tmp > 15" myjob

    • LSF uses the external load index value for usr_tmp to locate a host with more than 15 MB available in the /usr/tmp directory.

Commands to monitor




  • Displays load information for all hosts in the cluster on a per host basis.

lsload -R "res_req"

  • Displays load information for specific resources.

Commands to control



lsadmin reconfig followed by

badmin mbdrestart

  • Applies changes when you modify lsf.shared or lsf.cluster.cluster_name.

Commands to display configuration




  • Displays configuration information for all resources, including the external resources that are defined in lsf.shared.

lsinfo -l

  • Displays detailed configuration information for external resources.

lsinfo resource_name

  • Displays configuration information for the specified resources.

bhosts -s

  • Displays information about numeric shared resources, including which hosts that share each resource.

bhosts -s shared_resource_name

  • Displays configuration information for the specified resources.