Creating a job group
You must provide full group path name for the new job group. The last component of the path is the name of the new group to be created:
bgadd /risk_group
The preceding example creates a job group named risk_group under the root group /.
bgadd /risk_group/portfolio1
The preceding example creates a job group named portfolio1 under job group /risk_group.
bgadd /risk_group/portfolio1/current
The preceding example creates a job group named current under job group /risk_group/portfolio1.
If the group hierarchy /risk_group/portfolio1/current does not exist, LSF checks its parent recursively, and if no groups in the hierarchy exist, all three job groups are created with the specified hierarchy.
Adding a job group limit (bgadd)
Where limit is a positive number greater than or equal to zero, specifying the maximum the number of running and suspended jobs under the job group (including child groups) If limit is zero, no jobs under the job group can run.
bgadd -L 6 /canada/projects/test
If /canada is existing job group, and /canada/projects and /canada/projects/test are new groups, only the job group /canada/projects/test is limited to 6 running and suspended jobs. Job group /canada/projects will have whatever limit is specified for its parent job group /canada. The limit of /canada does not change.