Default eadmin actions

For host-level exceptions, LSF closes the host and sends email to the LSF administrator. The email contains the host name, job exit rate for the host, and other host information. The message eadmin: JOB EXIT THRESHOLD EXCEEDED is attached to the closed host event in, and displayed by badmin hist and badmin hhist.

For job exceptions. LSF sends email to the LSF administrator. The email contains the job ID, exception type (overrun, underrun, idle job), and other job information.

An email is sent for all detected job exceptions according to the frequency configured by EADMIN_TRIGGER_DURATION in lsb.params. For example, if EADMIN_TRIGGER_DURATION is set to 5 minutes, and 1 overrun job and 2 idle jobs are detected, after 5 minutes, eadmin is invoked and only one email is sent. If another overrun job is detected in the next 5 minutes, another email is sent.