Submitting NVIDIA Docker jobs to LSF

Use the NVIDIA Docker application profiles or queues to submit NVIDIA Docker jobs to LSF.

About this task

The following job submission (bsub) options are not supported for container jobs: -E, -Ep.


  1. Submit a job to an NVIDIA Docker application profile or queue.
    • Use the bsub -app option to submit a job to an NVIDIA Docker application profile (that is, an application profile with a specified value for the CONTAINER parameter).

      For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the ndockerapp application profile, run the following command to submit a Docker job:

      bsub -app ndockerapp ./

    • Use the bsub -q option to submit a job to an NVIDIA Docker queue (that is, a queue with a specified value for the CONTAINER parameter).

      For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the ndockerq queue, run the following command to submit a Docker job:

      bsub -queue ndockerq ./

    If you specify both the application profile and the queue in the same job submission, the CONTAINER and EXEC_DRIVER parameter settings in the application profile take precedence over the same parameter settings in the queue.

    For example, if you submit a job with the following command, the parameters in the ndockerapp application profile override the corresponding parameters in the ndockerq queue:

    bsub -app ndockerapp -q ndockerq ./

  2. If users need GPUs for the job, use the -gpu option to specify GPU resources.

    For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the ndockerapp application profile, run the following command to request 1 GPU exclusively for the Docker job:

    bsub -gpu "num=1:j_exclusive=yes" -app ndockerapp ./

Submitting Docker jobs to LSF

Use the Docker application profiles or queues to submit Docker jobs to LSF.

About this task

The following job submission (bsub) options are not supported for container jobs: -E, -Ep.


  1. Submit a job to a Docker application profile or queue.
    • Use the bsub -app option to submit a job to a Docker application profile (that is, an application profile with a specified value for the CONTAINER parameter).

      For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the dockerapp application profile, run the following command to submit a Docker job:

      bsub -app dockerapp ./

    • Use the bsub -q option to submit a job to a Docker queue (that is, a queue with a specified value for the CONTAINER parameter).

      For example, if CONTAINER is defined in the dockerq queue, run the following command to submit a Docker job:

      bsub -q dockerq ./

    If you specify both the application profile and the queue in the same job submission, the CONTAINER, EXEC_DRIVER, and DOCKER_IMAGE_AFFINITY parameter settings in the application profile take precedence over the same parameter settings in the queue.

    For example, if you submit a job with the following command, the parameters in the dockerapp application profile override the corresponding parameters in the dockerq queue:

    bsub -app dockerapp -q dockerq ./

  2. If users are allowed to specify image names for Docker container jobs at job submission time (that is, if the $LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE environment variable is used as the image name when specifying the image keyword), set the LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE environment variable at job submission time to specify the Docker image name.

    Specify a container image name (such as ubuntu) at the job submission time by setting the LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE environment using one of the following methods:

    • Specify the LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE environment variable according to your shell environment. For example, to specify the Docker image named ubuntu, set the environment variable as follows:
      • In csh or tcsh:

        setenv LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE ubuntu

      • In sh, ksh, or bash:

        export LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE=ubuntu

    • Use the bsub -env option. For example, to specify the Docker image named ubuntu

      bsub -env LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE=ubuntu -app udocker a.out -in in.dat -out out.dat

    • Use an esub script to set the LSB_CONTAINER_IMAGE environment variable, then call the esub with the bsub command:
      For example, create an esub.docker script in the $LSF_SERVERDIR directory with the following contents:
      exec 1>&2

      Submit a job to call the esub.docker script by running the following command:

      bsub -a "docker(ubuntu)" -app udocker a.out -in in.dat -out out.dat

  3. To submit a job with a Docker entry point image, but no command, use the LSB_DOCKER_PLACE_HOLDER keyword instead of the command.

    For example, run the following command to submit a Docker job with a Docker entry point image:

    bsub -app dockerapp LSB_DOCKER_PLACE_HOLDER

  4. Optional: To override the Docker image affinity settings at the cluster, queue, or application level, define the LSB_DOCKER_IMAGE_AFFINITY environment variable with the -env option when submitting the Docker job.


    The job level environment variable overrides application level, which overrides queue level, which overrides the cluster level configuration.

    bsub -env LSB_DOCKER_IMAGE_AFFINITY=N -app udocker a.out -in in.dat -out out.dat