Specifying a directory for job output
Make the final character in the path a slash (/) on UNIX, or a double backslash (\\) on Windows.
If you omit the trailing slash or backslash characters, LSF treats the specification as a file name.
If the specified directory does not exist, LSF creates it on the execution host when it creates the standard error and standard output files.
By default, the output files have the following format:
Standard output: output_directory/job_ID.out
Standard error: error_directory/job_ID.err
The following command creates the directory /usr/share/lsf_out if it does
not exist, and creates the standard output file job_ID.out
in this directory when the job
bsub -o /usr/share/lsf_out/ myjob
The following command creates the directory C:\lsf\work\lsf_err if it does
not exist, and creates the standard error file job_ID.err in
this directory when the job completes:
bsub -e C:\lsf\work\lsf_err\\ myjob