Job submission and execution controls behavior
The following examples illustrate how customized esub, epsub, and eexec executable files can control job submission and execution.
Validating job submission parameters by using esub
When a user submits a job by using the bsub -P command option, LSF
accepts any project name that is entered by the user and associates that project name with the job.
This example shows an esub that supports project-based accounting by enforcing
the use of valid project names for jobs that are submitted by users who are eligible to charge to
those projects. If a user submits a job to any project other than proj1 or
proj2, or if the user name is not user1 or
user2, LSF rejects the job based on the exit value of
# Redirect stderr to stdout so echo can be used for error messages exec 1>&2
# Check valid projects
if [ $LSB_SUB_PROJECT_NAME != "proj1" -o $LSB_SUB_PROJECT_NAME != "proj2" ]; then
echo "Incorrect project name specified"
if [ $LSB_SUB_PROJECT_NAME="proj1" ]; then
# Only user1 and user2 can charge to proj1
if [$USER != "user1" -a $USER != "user2" ]; then
echo "You are not allowed to charge to this project"
Changing job submission parameters by using esub
following example shows an esub that modifies job submission options and
environment variables based on the user name that submits a job. This esub writes
the changes to LSB_SUB_MODIFY_FILE for userA and to
LSB_SUB_MODIFY_ENVFILE for userB. LSF rejects all jobs that
are submitted by userC without writing to either
# Redirect stderr to stdout so echo can be used for error messages exec 1>&2
# Make sure userA is using the right queue queueA
if [ $USER="userA" -a $LSB_SUB_QUEUE != "queueA" ]; then
echo "userA has submitted a job to an incorrect queue"
echo "...submitting to queueA"
# Make sure userB is using the right shell (/bin/sh)
if [ $USER="userB" -a $SHELL != "/bin/sh" ]; then
echo "userB has submitted a job using $SHELL"
echo "...using /bin/sh instead"
echo 'SHELL="/bin/sh"' > $LSB_SUB_MODIFY_ENVFILE
# Deny userC the ability to submit a job
if [ $USER="userC" ]; then
echo "You are not permitted to submit a job."
Monitoring the execution environment by using eexec
This example shows how you can use an eexec to monitor job execution:
# eexec
# Example script to monitor the number of jobs executing through RES.
# This script works in cooperation with an elim that counts the
# number of files in the TASKDIR directory. Each RES process on a host
# will have a file in the TASKDIR directory.
# Don’t want to monitor lsbatch jobs.
if [ "$LSB_JOBID" != "" ] ; then
exit 0
# directory containing all the task files
# for the host.
# you can change this to whatever
# directory you wish, just make sure anyone
# has read/write permissions.
# if TASKDIR does not exist create it
if [ "test -d $TASKDIR" != "0" ] ; then
mkdir $TASKDIR > /dev/null 2>&1
# Need to make sure LS_JOBPID, and USER are defined
# exit normally
if [ "test -z $LS_JOBPID"="0" ] ; then
exit 0
elif [ "test -z $USER" = "0" ] ; then
exit 0
# Fork grandchild to stay around for the duration of the task
touch $taskFile >/dev/null 2>&1
(while : ;
kill -0 $LS_JOBPID >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
sleep 10 # this is the poll interval
# increase it if you want but
# see the elim for its
# corresponding update interval
rm $taskFile >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
Monitoring job submission information by using epsub
This example shows how you can use an epsub to monitor job submission:
# epsub
# Example script to monitor job submissions to mbatchd.
# This script outputs the final job submission parameters after the
# job is submitted.
exec 1>&2
echo I am epsub app >>/home/user1/epsub.out
echo $LSB_SUB_JOB_ID >> /home/user1/epsub.$LSB_SUB_JOB_ID
Passing data between esub and eexec
A combination of esub and eexec executable files can be used to pass AFS/DCE tokens from the submission host to the execution host. LSF passes data from the standard output of esub to the standard input of eexec. A daemon wrapper script can be used to renew the tokens.