Configuration to modify job submission and execution controls

There are configuration parameters that modify various aspects of job submission and execution controls behavior by:

  • Defining a mandatory esub/epsub that applies to all jobs in the cluster.
  • Specifying the eexec user account (UNIX only).

Configuration to define a mandatory esub/epsub

Configuration file

Parameter and syntax


lsf.conf LSB_ESUB_METHOD="application_name [application_name] …"
  • The specified esub/epsub or esubs/epsubs run for all jobs submitted to the cluster, in addition to any esub/epsub specified by the user in the command line
  • For example, to specify a mandatory esub/epsub named esub.fluent/epsub.fluent, define LSB_ESUB_METHOD=fluent

Configuration to specify the eexec user account

The eexec executable runs under the submission user account. You can modify this behavior for UNIX hosts by specifying a different user account.

Configuration file

Parameter and syntax


lsf.sudoers LSF_EEXEC_USER=user_name
  • Changes the user account under which eexec runs