Job ID limit
By default, LSF assigns job IDs up to six digits. This means that no more than 999999 jobs can be in the system at once. The job ID limit is the highest job ID that LSF will ever assign, and also the maximum number of jobs in the system.
LSF assigns job IDs in sequence. When the job ID limit is reached, the count rolls over, so the next job submitted gets job ID "1". If the original job 1 remains in the system, LSF skips that number and assigns job ID "2", or the next available job ID. If you have so many jobs in the system that the low job IDs are still in use when the maximum job ID is assigned, jobs with sequential numbers could have different submission times.
Increase the maximum job ID
You cannot lower the job ID limit, but you can raise it to 10 digits. This allows longer term job accounting and analysis, and means you can have more jobs in the system, and the job ID numbers will roll over less often.
Use MAX_JOBID in lsb.params to specify any integer from 999999 to 2147483646 (for practical purposes, you can use any 10-digit integer less than this value).
Increase the job ID display length
By default, bjobs and bhist display job IDs with a maximum length of seven characters. Job IDs greater than 9999999 are truncated on the left.
Use LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH in lsf.conf to increase the width of the JOBID column in bjobs and bhist display. When LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH=10, the width of the JOBID column in bjobs and bhist increases to 10 characters.