New and changed commands, options, and output

The following command options and output are new or changed for LSF 10.1.

Note: Starting in Fix Pack 14, instead of reading this topic, refer to the What's new information for each fix pack (which contain changed and new details, including direct references to affected topics).

Commands that support host names as a parameter also accept host groups

Starting in LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 13, existing LSF commands that support host names as a parameter option now also accept host groups. For details on the affected commands, see battr, bresume, brvs, lshosts, and lsload. Additionally, to use the host group parameter with the lshosts and lsload commands, you must first configure the LSF_HOSTGROUP_INFO=Y setting in the lsf.conf file.

Commands that use condensed host names

All commands where you can specify condensed notation, including commands that use the -m option or a host list to specify multiple host names, now allow colons (:) to specify a range of numbers. Colons are used the same as hyphens (-) are currently used to specify ranges and can be used interchangeably in condensed notation. You can also use leading zeros to specify host names.

You can also use multiple square brackets (with the supported special characters) to define multiple sets of non-negative integers anywhere in the host name. For example, hostA[1,3]B[1-3] includes hostA1B1, hostA1B2, hostA1B3, hostA3B1, hostA3B2, and hostA3B3.

Commands that specify resource requirement strings

All commands where you specify resource requirement strings by using the -R no longer have any size limitations on the resource requirement string. Previously, the string was limited to 512 bytes.


  • bacct: The default output includes the expansion factor of a job, which is its turnaround time divided by its run time. The bacct command displays the average, maximum, and minimum expansion factors.
  • bacct -E: If the TRACK_ELIGIBLE_PENDINFO parameter in the lsb.params file is set to Y or y, the output format is the same as the bacct command with no options, except that it uses eligible pending time to calculate the wait time, turnaround time, and expansion factor (turnaround time/run time), instead of total pending time.

    If TRACK_ELIGIBLE_PENDINFO is disabled and LSF did not log any eligible or ineligible pending time, the ineligible pending time is counted as 0 and all pending time is regarded as eligible.

  • bacct -l now displays energy consumption information if LSF_COLLECT_ENERGY_USAGE=Y is enabled in lsf.conf and you are running LSF on Cray.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, bacct -f now allows you to specify - as the argument (bacct -f -) to force the bacct command to use the lsb.acct log file for accounting statistics. If you are using LSF Explorer to retrieve accounting log records, the -f - option (or any -f argument that specifies a log file) forces the bacct command to bypass LSF Explorer and uses the log file instead.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new bacct -gpu option displays information on GPU resource usage for the job. Use only with the -l option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the bacct -l option now displays the total approximate number of read/write bytes of all storage pools on IBM® Spectrum Scale if IBM Spectrum Scale I/O accounting with IBM Spectrum LSF Explorer is enabled by setting LSF_QUERY_ES_FUNCTIONS="gpfsio" or "all" in the lsf.conf file.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bacct command now displays the scheduler efficiency for all finished jobs in a cluster.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the new bacct -rcacct command option displays accounting statistics for jobs that are associated with the specified LSF resource connector account name.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the new bacct -rcalloc command option displays accounting statistics for jobs that are associated with the specified LSF resource connector account name and actually ran on an LSF resource connector host.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the bacct -cname command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • gpdckconfig: This new subcommand checks the global policy configuration file lsb.globalpolicies located in the LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir directory.
  • gpddebug: This new subcommand sets the message log level for the global fair share policy daemon (gpolicyd) to include additional information in log files. You must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
  • gpdrestart: This new subcommand dynamically reconfigures LSF global policies and restarts gpolicyd.
  • gpdtime: This new subcommand sets the timing level for gpolicyd to include more timing information in log files. You must be root or the LSF administrator to use this command.
  • The showconf subcommand has a new option gpd to display all configured and their values set in lsf.conf or ego.conf that affect gpolicyd.
  • The mbddebug -c option now has a new type of log class (LC2_G_FAIR) to log global fair share messages.
  • The -s option for the mbddebug and schddebug subcommands is used to temporarily change the size of the mbbatchd or mbschd logging queue. This value temporarily overrides the value of LSF_LOG_QUEUE_SIZE in lsf.conf, but this value is ignored if LSF_LOG_THREAD=N is defined in lsf.conf.
  • badmin diagnose -c jobreq saves an active image of the scheduler job buckets into a snapshot file as raw data in XML or JSON format. By default, the name of the snapshot file is jobreq_<hostname>_<dateandtime>.<format>, is in XML format, and is saved to the location specified in the DIAGNOSE_LOGDIR parameter. Use the -f option to specify a custom file name and path and the -t option to specify whether the file is in XML or JSON format.
  • badmin perfmon view now shows the number of jobs that are reordered, that is, the number of jobs that reused the resource allocation of a finished job.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, badmin mbdrestart now restarts the mbatchd daemon in parallel by default (that is, badmin mbdrestart -p is now the default behavior). To force the mbatchd daemon to restart in serial (which was the previous default behavior), run badmin mbdrestart -s
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, a -json option has been added to the badmin perfmon view command to support the graphing of performance metrics data in other LSF family applications (for example, IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center).
  • rc view: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, this new subcommand shows LSF resource connector information from the specified host providers.
  • rc error: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, this new subcommand shows LSF resource connector error messages from the specified host providers. To get the error messages, the third-party mosquitto message queue application must be running on the host.
  • hclose -i: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new option attaches a specific lock ID to the closed host. Each lock ID is a string that can contain up to 128 alphanumeric and underscore (_) characters. The keyword all is reserved and cannot be used as the lock ID. A closed host can have multiple lock IDs, and the host remains closed until there are no more lock IDs attached to the host.
  • hopen -i: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new option removes the specified lock ID from the closed host. If there are no more lock IDs attached to the host, this command also opens the host.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the badmin command no longer has the setuid bit set at installation. This means that this command no longer runs with root privileges.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the badmin perfmon view command now displays the scheduler efficiency for finished jobs within a sampling period and all finished jobs in the cluster.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the following sbatchd daemon control commands are obsolete and will be deprecated in a future release:
    • badmin hrestart
    • badmin hshutdown
    • badmin hstartup

    Instead of these obsolete commands, use the bctrld action sbd (where action is restart, start, or stop) to control the sbatchd daemon.

  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the new badmin security view command displays the current configuration of the LSF security mechanism.


  • The bapp -l command now shows information on pending time limits and eligible pending time limits for jobs in the application profile.

battach (New)

In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the battach command runs a shell process (/bin/sh by default) to connect to an existing job execution host or container.

battr (New)

In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the battr command manages host attributes for job affinity scheduling.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6 the bconf -pack option has been added to allow the bconf command to read multiple requests and send them to mbatchd at the same time. bconf reads and parses the text file, with each line an individual bconf request. However, the requests are grouped together and sent to mbatchd at one time. Also, a set action is introduced to force an update or create action on users and user groups.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, the serviceclass keyword is added to the addmember, rmmember, update, create, and delete sub-commands. This new keyword allows you to modify service classes in the lsb.serviceclasses file.

bctrld (New)

In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bctrld command is an administrative tool to start, stop, or restart the LIM, RES, and sbatchd daemons. The bctrld executable file is installed with the setuid flag turned off and this command can be used only by root.


  • -d: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this new option deletes job groups with idle times that are larger than the specified idle_time.

bgpinfo (New)

Use the bgpinfo command with global fair share scheduling. The bgpinfo command has subcommands to display information about global fair share, including global fair share policy configurations, aggregated fair share load for global fair share policies, and the status of the global policy daemon (gpolicyd) and global fair share policies.

  • resource subcommand: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this new subcommand displays the following information on global resources: resource usage, resource type, and reservation type.
  • policy subcommand: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this new subcommand displays the distribution policies for global resources and global limits.
  • fsload -l subcommand option: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this option now displays the STARTED_JOBS and RESERVED_JOBS fields when the fair share_JOB_COUNT parameter is enabled in the lsb.params file.


  • bhist -l: If TRACK_ELIGIBLE_PENDINFO in lsb.params is set to Y or y, this option also shows the total amount of time that the job spends in the eligible and ineligible pending states after the job starts.
  • bhist -l also shows information on pending time limits and eligible pending time limits for the job.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the bhist -l option displays the failure reason of the cleartool setview command when it is called by the daemon wrapper with the LSF Integration for Rational ClearCase.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4,bhist -f now allows you to specify - as the argument (bhist -f -) to force the bhist command to use the log file. If you are using IBM Spectrum LSF Explorer (LSF Explorer) to retrieve event log records, the -f - option (or any -f argument that specifies a log file) forces the bhist command to bypass LSF Explorer and use the log file instead.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, bhist -n controls how many job records (blocks of jobs) return from LSF Explorer if you are using LSF Explorer to retrieve event log records. The block size is configured in LSF Explorer.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new bhist -gpu option displays information on GPU resource usage for the job. Use only with the -l option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the bhist -l option displays energy accounting if you are using LSF Explorer to retrieve energy data.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the bhist -l option displays the names of any esub (or epsub) used to submit a job (using the bsub -a command). If multiple esubs were used, first the default then the user-specified esubs are displayed in output. If a user-specified esub script is the same as the default esub script, the duplicate esubs will show as one entry. If a job is submitted with an esub containing parameters, the esub and its parameters will be shown as well, and the format of the esub is the same as that specified in the job submission.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the bhist -l option shows the following additional information:
    • Resources that are borrowed from the GSLA pools.
    • Job's attribute requirements and history of modifications to the attribute requirements.
    • User-specified reasons for suspending (stopping) or resuming a job, and the hosts that issued job kill, suspend, or resume requests.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bhosts -o option customizes specific fields that the bhosts command displays.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bhosts -json option displays customized bhosts -o command output in JSON format. The -json option must be used together with the -o command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the bhosts -aff option ignores the NUMA level if the host only has a single NUMA node.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, use the bhosts -rc and the bhosts -rconly commands to see information about resources that are provisioned by LSF resource connector. The -rc and -rconly options make use of the third-party mosquitto message queue application to support the additional information displayed by these bhosts options. The mosquitto binary file is included as part of the LSF distribution. To use the mosquitto daemon that is supplied with LSF, you must configure the LSF_MQ_BROKER_HOSTS parameter in the lsf.conf file to enable LIM to start the mosquitto daemon and for ebrokerd to send resource provider information to the MQTT message broker.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, the bhosts -rc and bhosts -rconly commands now show the instance ID of the provisioned hosts.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the -l option now displays any locked IDs that are attached to the closed host. The new -C option, which is used with -l, displays the lock IDs and comments in tabular format.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the -l option now displays detailed information on any attributes that are attached to the host.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the new -attr option displays information on host attributes for attribute affinity scheduling.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the -o option now has the attribute field to display information on host attributes for attribute affinity scheduling.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the bhosts -l option no longer displays GPU-based information if LSF_GPU_RESOURCE_IGNORE=Y is defined in the lsf.conf file. Use the bhosts -gpu option to view this information.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the LOCATION field in the bhosts -s command option displays ALL instead of displaying each individual host in the cluster if the LOCATION parameter in the lsf.cluster.clustername file is set to all to indicate that the resource is shared by all hosts in the cluster. Use the new bhosts -loc command option to display each individual host in the cluster.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bhosts -gpu command option now displays the GPU vendor type (AMD or Nvidia).
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bhosts -gpu -l command option now shows additional MIG device information.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bhosts -o option has a new mig_alloc keyword to display the MIG allocation information in the bhosts customized output.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the bhosts -cname command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

bimages (New)

Use the new bimages command to display information on Docker container images.


  • If the TRACK_ELIGIBLE_PENDINFO parameter in the lsb.params file is set to Y or y:
    • bjobs -l also shows the total amount of time that the job is in the eligible and ineligible pending states after the job starts.
    • bjobs -pei shows pending jobs in lists of jobs that are eligible for scheduling and ineligible for scheduling.
    • bjobs -pe shows only pending jobs that are eligible for scheduling.
    • bjobs -pi shows only pending jobs that are ineligible for scheduling.
    • bjobs -o now has the pendstate, ependtime, and ipendtime fields that you can specify to display jobs' pending state, eligible pending time, and ineligible pending time.
  • The -rusage "resource_name[,resource_name,. . .]" option is added to display only jobs that request the resources that are specified by the filter.
  • bjobs -l also shows information on job-level and effective (that is, the merged value of queue-, application-, and job-level) pending time limits and eligible pending time limits for the job.
  • bjobs -o now has the following fields:
    • effective_plimit, plimit_remain, effective_eplimit, and eplimit_remain to display the job's pending time limit, remaining pending time, eligible pending time limit, and remaining eligible pending. You can use the -p option to show only information for pending jobs.
    • pend_reason shows the pending reason field of a job. If a job has no pending reason (for example, the job is running), then the pend_reason field of the job is NULL and shows a hyphen (-).
  • bjobs -p now includes the levels 0 - 3, for example, bjobs -p2.
    Level 0
    Displays all pending reasons as in previous releases.
    Level 1
    Displays only a single key reason.
    Level 2
    Shows categorized host-based pending reasons for candidate hosts in the cluster. For the candidate hosts, the actual reason on each host is shown. For each pending reason, the number of hosts that give that reason is shown. The actual reason messages appear from most to least common.
    Level 3
    Shows the categorized host-based pending reasons for both candidate and non-candidate hosts in the cluster. For the hosts considered, gives the actual reason on each host. For the hosts not considered, gives the actual reason on each host. For each pending reason, gives the number of hosts that show that reason. The actual reason messages appear from most to least common.
    See also the new parameters LSB_BJOBS_PENDREASON_LEVEL and LSB_SUPPRESS_CUSTOM_REASONS for configuration options.
  • bjobs -psum (equivalent to bjobs -p -psum by default) displays a summarized list of the number of jobs, hosts, and occurrences for each pending reason.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the bjobs -o option now has the following fields:
    • jobindex shows the job array index.
    • estimated_run_time shows estimated run time of the job.
    • ru_utime and ru_stime show the user time used and the system time used from the resource usage information for the job.
    • nthreads shows the number of threads that the job used
    • hrusage shows the per-host resource usage information.
    • plimit and eplimit show the pending time limit and eligible time limit.
    • licproject shows the license project information.
    • srcjobid, dstjobid, and source_cluster show the submission cluster job ID, execution cluster job ID, and the name of the submission cluster when using the LSF multicluster capability.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bjobs -json option displays customized bjobs -o command output in JSON format. The -json option must be used together with the -o command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bjobs -hms option displays times from the customized bjobs -o command output in hh:mm:ss format. The -hms option must be used together with the -o or -o -json command options.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bjobs -ignorebadjobid option removes unmatched jobs from the bjobs command output. The bjobs command does not display any unmatched jobs, such as jobs that are not found. Jobs with invalid job IDs are still displayed.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the bjobs -o option now has the following fields:
    • rsvid shows the reservation ID, if the job is associated with an advance reservation.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the new bjobs -U option displays jobs that are associated with the specified advance reservation ID.
  • In LSF License Scheduler Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the pending reason messages shown with the bjobs -p command options (including levels 1 - 3) now include the project name for project mode or fast dispatch mode features, and the cluster name for cluster mode features.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the new bjobs -U option displays jobs that are associated with the specified advance reservation ID.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the bjobs -l option displays the failure reason of the cleartool setview command when it is called by the daemon wrapper with the LSF Integration for Rational ClearCase.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new bjobs -gpu option displays information on GPU resource usage for the job. Use only with the -l or -UF options.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the bjobs -l and the bjobs -o energy options display energy accounting if you are using LSF Explorer to retrieve energy data.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the bjobs -l and the bjobs -o esub options display the names of any esub (or epsub) used to submit a job (using the bsub -a command). If multiple esubs were used, first the default then the user-specified esubs are displayed in output. If a user-specified esub script is the same as the default esub script, the duplicate esubs will show as one entry. If a job is submitted with an esub containing parameters, the esub and its parameters will be shown as well, and the format of the esub is the same as that specified in the job submission.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the new bjobs -prio option displays the detailed absolute priority scheduling (APS) factor values for all pending jobs.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the new bjobs -plan option is used as a filter to display jobs with allocation plans. At the same time, bjobs -l will show the planned start time for all jobs with an allocation plan and bjobs -l -plan will filter all jobs with plans and show the planned allocations and job start times.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the bjobs -o option now has the following fields:
    • gpfsio shows job usage (I/O) data on IBM Spectrum Scale if IBM Spectrum Scale I/O accounting with IBM Spectrum LSF Explorer is enabled by setting LSF_QUERY_ES_FUNCTIONS="gpfsio" or "all" in the lsf.conf file.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the bjobs -l option only displays a table of message indices that have an associated message. Previously, bjobs -l displayed a table of messages with a line for all messages from 0 to the highest message index, even for indices with no messages.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the bjobs -l option now displays approximate accumulated job disk usage (I/O) data on IBM Spectrum Scale if IBM Spectrum Scale I/O accounting with IBM Spectrum LSF Explorer is enabled by setting LSF_QUERY_ES_FUNCTIONS="gpfsio" or "all" in the lsf.conf file.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the bjobs -o "hrusage" option now displays the PIDs of each host.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, the bjobs -o option now has the following fields:
    • nreq_slot shows the calculated number of requested slots for jobs.
    • gpu_num shows the number of physical GPUs that the job is using.
    • gpu_mode shows the GPU compute mode that the job is using (shared or exclusive_process).
    • gpu_alloc shows the job-based GPU allocation information.
    • j_exclusive shows whether the job requested exclusive allocated GPUs (that is, if the GPUs cannot be shared with other jobs).
    • kill_reason shows the user-specified reason for killing the job.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, the bjobs -l -pac option now displays the exit reason for exited jobs. The exit reason is displayed in the EXIT_REASON: field.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, the bjobs -plan option displays the planned start and end times for the job in the PLAN_START_TIME and PLAN_FINISH_TIME columns.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, the bjobs -o option now has the ask_hosts field, which shows the list of requested hosts as specified by the bsub -m command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the bjobs -l option shows the following additional information:
    • Resources that are borrowed from the GSLA pools.
    • Job's attribute requirements.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the new bjobs -env option displays the environment variables in the job submission environment for the specified job.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the new bjobs -script option displays the job script for the specified job from the LSF info directory.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the new bjobs -p option displays the total global limit amount for the resource allocation limit in the Global field if the job is blocked by the global limit value.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the bjobs -o option now has the following fields:
    • suspend_reason shows the user-specified reason for suspending (stopping) the job.
    • resume_reason shows the user-specified reason for resuming the job.
    • kill_issue_host shows the host that issued the job kill request.
    • suspend_issue_host shows the host that issued the job suspend (stop) request.
    • resume_issue_host shows the host that issued the job resume request.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bjobs -o option now allows you to display a unit prefix for the following resource fields: , max_mem, avg_mem, memlimit, swap, swaplimit, corelimit, stacklimit, and hrusage (for hrusage, the unit prefix is for mem and swap resources only).

    In addition, the default width for these resource fields except hrusage are increased from 10 to 15. That is, the following output fields now have a default width that is increased from 10 to 15:mem, max_mem, avg_mem, memlimit, swap, swaplimit, corelimit, and stacklimit.

  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bjobs -l option now shows additional Nvidia Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) information.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the bjobs -cname command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • IDLE_TIME: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this new default output field displays the idle time value of each job group.


  • -d: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this new option kills jobs, and records jobs as DONE after the jobs exit.
  • -stat: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this new option kills jobs in the specified status.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the new blimits -a option shows all resource allocation limits, even if they are not being applied to running jobs.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, the blimits command now displays the application profiles on which limits are enforced in the APPS column. You can also display limits for specific application profiles by using the new -A option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, when using the LSF multicluster capability, the new blimits -gl command option displays current usage of global limits that are configured in the Limit sections of the lsb.globalpolicies file instead of the resource configurations in the Limit sections of the lsb.resources file.

    If specified with the blimits -c option (that is, by running the blimits -gl -c command option), displays the global limits configurations in the lsb.globalpolicies file instead of the resource configurations in the lsb.resources file.

  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 13, the new blimits -o command option displays information about resource allocation limits, using customized column widths for the output, rather than the default column widths for each resource type.


  • For the IBM Spectrum LSF multicluster capability resource leasing model, the HOSTS column now displays a list of leased-in hosts in the form host_name@cluster_name by default.

    If the LSB_BMGROUP_ALLREMOTE_EXPAND=N parameter is configured in the lsf.conf file or as an environment variable, leased-in hosts are represented by a single keyword allremote instead of being displayed as a list.

  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the bmgroup -cname command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1, the bmod command now exports mem and swp values in the rusage[] string to the following corresponding environment variables for esub:
    • If the bmod command has a mem value in the rusage[] string, the LSB_SUB_MEM_USAGE variable is set to the mem value in the temporary esub parameter file that the LSB_SUB_PARAM_FILE environment variable points to.
    • If the bmod command has a swp value in the rusage[] string, the LSB_SUB_SWP_USAGE variable is set to the mem value in the temporary esub parameter file that the LSB_SUB_PARAM_FILE environment variable points to.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, you can now use the ZB (or Z) unit when specifying resource requirements and limits.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, a -datachk option is added to bmod -data to perform a full file sanity check since this role is moved to the transfer job. This equalizes modification performance between jobs with and without data requirements. The -datachk option can be specified only with the -data command. If the data requirement is for a tag, this option has no effect.
  • bmod -Ne: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, this new option enables the sbatchd daemon to send mail only when the job exits (that is, when the job is under Exit status). This ensures than an email notification is only sent on a job error. The bmod -Nn option cancels the -Ne option in addition to the -N option.
  • bmod -notify and -notifyn: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, the new -notify option requests that the user be notified when the job reaches any of the specified states. The new -notifyn option cancels the -notify option.
  • bmod -M: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, you can now set a hard memory limit by adding an exclamation point (!) to the end of the memory limit. LSF kills the job as soon as it exceeds this hard memory limit and does not wait for the host memory and swap threshold to be reached.
  • bmod -jobaff and -jobaffn: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new command option modifies host attribute affinity preferences for the job. This allows you to select hosts for job scheduling based on which attributes are on the hosts, or which hosts or compute units are running specific jobs. The new -jobaffn option cancels the -jobaff option.
  • bmod -rcacct and -rcacctn: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, this new command option modifies the LSF resource connector account name that is assigned to a job, which is then tagged to the resource connector host that runs the job. The new -rcacctn option either removes the resource connector account name or resets it to the default value. These options are available only if you enabled ENABLE_RC_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_BY_USER=Y in the lsb.params file.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the bpeek -f command option now exits when the peeked job is completed.

    If the peeked job is requeued or migrated, the bpeek command only exits if the job is completed again. In addition, the bpeek command cannot get the new output of the job. To avoid these issues, abort the previous bpeek -f command and rerun the bpeek -f command after the job is requeued or migrated.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, the new bpost -N command option sends a message (from the -d option) at the specified notification level to LSF Application Center Notifications as specified by the LSF_AC_PNC_URL parameter in the lsf.conf file.


  • The bqueues -r option now displays the global fair share policy name for the participating queue, and displays the remote share load (REMOTE_LOAD column) for each share account in the queue.
  • The bqueues -l option now shows information on pending time limits and eligible pending time limits for jobs in the queue.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bqueues -o option customizes specific fields that the bqueues command displays.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the new bqueues -json option displays customized bqueues -o command output in JSON format. The -json option must be used together with the -o command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, the bqueues -r and -l command options now display the normalized fair share factors in the NORM_FS column, if these factors are not zero.
  • -o: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this option now has the following fields for limits and resources:
    • max_corelimit, max_cpulimit, default_cpulimit, max_datalimit, default_datalimit, max_filelimit, max_memlimit, default_memlimit, max_processlimit, max_runlimit, default_runlimit, max_stacklimit, max_swaplimit, max_tasklimit, min_tasklimit, default_tasklimit, max_threadlimit, default_threadlimit, res_req, hosts.
    • The following resource limit fields show the same content as their corresponding maximum resource limit fields: corelimit, cpulimit, datalimit, filelimit, memlimit, processlimit, runlimit, stacklimit, swaplimit, tasklimit, threadlimit.

      For example, corelimit is the same as max_corelimit.

  • -l: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this option now displays the STARTED_JOBS and RESERVED_JOBS fields if fair share_JOB_COUNT=Y is enabled in the lsb.params file.

    In addition, the new IMPT_JOBLIMIT and IMPT_TASKLIMIT parameters allow you to specify how many multicluster jobs or tasks, from remote clusters, that can be configured at the receive-jobs queue.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the bread displays the failure reason of the cleartool setview command when it is called by the daemon wrapper with the LSF Integration for Rational ClearCase.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the new bread -w option displays messages and attached data files from a job in wide format without truncating fields.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, the new bread -N command option displays the NOTIFICATION field to indicate whether the message was sent to LSF Application Center Notifications. A hyphen (-) indicates that this was not sent to LSF Application Center Notifications (either because it is a normal message that was sent without the -N option or the LSF_AC_PNC_URL parameter is not configured correctly in the lsf.conf file).


  • request: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, this new subcommand requests for additional tasks to be allocated to a running resizable job. After running this command, the job is no longer autoresizable unless you requeue or rerun the job.


  • The bresources -g option shows additional information for package and slot type guarantees.


  • The brestart -R option reserves resources when you restart a stopped checkpointable job. You can specify resources with the brestart -R command when you restart the job. Use the brestart command to specify multiple -R options for multiple resource requirement strings, specify compound resource requirements, and specify alternative resource requirements.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, you can now use the ZB (or Z) unit when specifying resource requirements and limits.
  • brestart -Ne: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, this new option enables the sbatchd daemon to send mail only when the job exits (that is, when the job is under Exit status). This ensures than an email notification is only sent on a job error.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the new bresume -C command option specifies a reason for resuming the job.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvadd -q option specifies queues are allowed to run on the advance reservation hosts even if the jobs cannot finish before the advance reservation starts (that is, the run limit or estimated run time continues after the start time of the advance reservation).
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvadd -nosusp option enables LSF to not suspend non-advance reservation jobs that are running on the advance reservation hosts when the first advance reservation job starts. Non-advance reservation jobs continue to run, and advance reservation jobs do not start until resources are available.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvadd -E option specifies a script (pre-script) to run on the master host before the advance reservation starts.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvadd -Et option specifies the amount of time, in minutes, before the advance reservation starts for LSF to run the prescript and to stop dispatching new jobs to the advance reservation hosts.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvadd -Ep option specifies a script (post-script) to run on the master host when the advance reservation expires.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvadd -Ept option specifies the amount of time, in minutes, before the expiry of the advance reservation for LSF to run the post-script.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the brsvadd -R option now allows the same string to take effect, in addition to the select string.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -q option changes the queues whose jobs are allowed to run on the advance reservation hosts even if the jobs cannot finish before the advance reservation starts (that is, the run limit or estimated run time continues after the start time of the advance reservation).
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -qn option removes the -q option from the advance reservation.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -nosusp option enables LSF to no longer suspend non-advance reservation jobs that are running on the advance reservation hosts when the first advance reservation job starts. Non-advance reservation jobs continue to run, and advance reservation jobs do not start until resources are available.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -nosuspn option removes the -nosusp option from the advance reservation.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -E option replaces the script (pre-script) to run on the master host before the advance reservation starts.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -En option removes the advance reservation prescript so that no scripts are run when the advance reservation starts.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -Et option changes the amount of time, in minutes, before the start of the advance reservation for LSF to run the prescript and to stop dispatching new jobs to the advance reservation hosts.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -Etn option removes the -Et option from the advance reservation and enables LSF to run the pre-script at the start time of the advance reservation.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -Ep option replaces the script (post-script) to run on the master host when the advance reservation expires.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -Epn option removes the advance reservation post-script so that no scripts are run when the advance reservation expires.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -Ept option changes the amount of time, in minutes, before the expiry of the advance reservation for LSF to run the post-script.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new brsvmod -Eptn option removes the -Ept option from the advance reservation and enables LSF to run the post-script at the expiry time of the advance reservation.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the brsvmod -R option now allows the same string to take effect, in addition to the select string.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the brsvmod addhost command now has the -f option, which enables LSF to dynamically select hosts based on the resource requirements as specified in the -R or -m command options..


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the brsvs -l option now displays queues that can use the advance reservation hosts before the advance reservation starts, the prescript, prescript time, post-script, post-script time, and whether non-advance reservation jobs are allowed to continue running after the first advance reservation starts.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, the bsla command displays information on the allocated guarantee hosts in a new section (USED GUARANTEE HOSTS) if LSB_GSLA_DISPLAY_ALLOC_HOSTS=Y is enabled in lsf.conf. bsla only displays this new section if there are jobs running in the SLA.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the bstatus displays the failure reason of the cleartool setview command when it is called by the daemon wrapper with the LSF Integration for Rational ClearCase.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the new bstop -C command option specifies a reason for stopping the job.


  • The bsub -a command now runs epsub executable files after the job is submitted. After the job is submitted, LSF runs any mandatory epsub executable files (as specified by using the parameter LSB_ESUB_METHOD), followed by any application-specific epsub executable files (with .application_name in the file name) as specified by the -a option.
  • The bsub -eptl command specifies the eligible pending time limit for the job.
  • The bsub -ptl command specifies the pending time limit for the job.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 1, the bsub command now exports mem and swp values in the rusage[] string to the following corresponding environment variables for esub:
    • If the bsub command has a mem value in the rusage[] string, the LSB_SUB_MEM_USAGE variable is set to the mem value in the temporary esub parameter file that the LSB_SUB_PARAM_FILE environment variable points to.
    • If the bsub command has a swp value in the rusage[] string, the LSB_SUB_SWP_USAGE variable is set to the mem value in the temporary esub parameter file that the LSB_SUB_PARAM_FILE environment variable points to.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, you can now use the ZB (or Z) unit when specifying resource requirements and limits.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, you can now use the bsub -m option to specify remote hosts when using the job forwarding model with the LSF multicluster capability, using host_name@cluster_name.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, you can now specify multiple email addresses with the bsub -u option by enclosing the string in quotation marks and using a space to separate each email address. The total length of the address string cannot be longer than 511 characters.
  • LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6 now have the following bsub options for running jobs with IBM Cluster Systems Manager (CSM):
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, when using the bsub -P option to specify the project name, that project name can now be up to 511 characters long (previously, this limit was 59 characters).
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, you can now run job scripts directly from the bsub command line instead of using the < redirect. The job script must be an ASCII text file and not a binary file, but it does not have to be an executable file.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, you can now use the bsub -R cu [pref=bestfit] keyword to use the best-fit allocation algorithm for jobs with resource requirements. This allocation algorithm places the job using the fewest number of compute units as possible while preferring compute units that are already occupied.
  • bsub -gpu has the following changes in LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8:
    • You can now specify aff=no in the bsub -gpu command option to relax GPU affinity while maintaining CPU affinity. By default, aff=no is set to maintain strict GPU-CPU affinity binding.
    • You can now specify mps=per_socket in the bsub -gpu command option to enable LSF to start one MPS daemon per socket per job.
    • You can now specify mps=per_gpu in the bsub -gpu command option to enable LSF to start one MPS daemon per GPU per job.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, you can now use the LSB_DOCKER_PLACE_HOLDER keyword instead of a command to submit a Docker job with a Docker entry point image.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, the maximum integer that you can specify for the following resource limits is increased from 32 bit (2³¹) to 64 bit (2⁶³):
    • memory limit (bsub -M)
    • swap limit (bsub -v)
    • core file size limit (bsub -C)
    • stack limit (bsub -S)
    • data segment size limit (bsub -D)
    • file size limit (bsub -F)
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, you can now use the new bsub -smt command option to specify the SMT mode for CSM jobs.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 8, you can now use the bsub -G command option to exclude fair share groups from being associated with a job by using a tilde (~) to specify any fair share groups from which you want to exclude for the job. Use a space-separated list of tildes (~) to exclude multiple groups.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, a -datachk option is added to bsub -data to perform a full file sanity check since this role is moved to the transfer job. This equalizes modification performance between jobs with and without data requirements. The -datachk option can be specified only with the -data command. If the data requirement is for a tag, this option has no effect.
  • bsub -R: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, you can now specify the resource reservation method (by task, by job, or by host) in the rusage string by using the /task, /job, or /host keyword after the numeric value of the resource. You can only specify resource reservation methods for consumable resources.

    In addition, you can now enable LSF to stripe tasks of a parallel job across the free resources of the candidate hosts by using the stripe keyword in the span string of the resource requirements.

  • bsub -gpu: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, you can now specify mps=yes,share, mps=per_socket,share, and mps=per_gpu,share in the bsub -gpu command option to enable LSF to share the MPS daemon on the host, socket, or GPU for jobs that are submitted by the same user with the same resource requirements.

    That is, you can now add ",share" to the mps value to enable MPS daemon sharing for the host, socket, or GPU.

    In addition, you can now assign the number of GPUs per task or per host by specifying num=number/task or num=number/host. By default, the number of GPUs is still assigned per host.

  • bsub -Ne: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, this new option enables the sbatchd daemon to send mail only when the job exits (that is, when the job is under Exit status). This ensures than an email notification is only sent on a job error.
  • bsub -notify: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, this new option requests that the user be notified when the job reaches any of the specified states.
  • bsub -M: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, you can now set a hard memory limit by adding an exclamation point (!) to the end of the memory limit. LSF kills the job as soon as it exceeds this hard memory limit and does not wait for the host memory and swap threshold to be reached.
  • bsub -K: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this command option now displays the job ID of a job after it is finished if the LSB_SUBK_SHOW_JOBID parameter is set to Y or y in the lsf.conf file.
  • bsub -jobaff: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new command option specifies host attribute affinity preferences for the job. This allows you to select hosts for job scheduling based on which attributes are on the hosts, or which hosts or compute units are running specific jobs.
  • bsub -json: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new command option submits a job using a JSON file to specify job submission options.
  • bsub -yaml: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new command option submits a job using a YAML file to specify job submission options.
  • bsub -gpu has the following changes in LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10:
    • You can now add the ,nocvd keyword to the existing mps value in the GPU resource requirements string to disable the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable for MPS jobs.
    • You can now specify block=yes in the GPU resource requirements string to enable block distribution of allocated GPUs.
    • You can now specify gpack=yes in the GPU resource requirements string to enable pack scheduling for shared mode GPU jobs.
  • bsub -rcacct: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, this new command option assigns an LSF resource connector account name to a job and tags the account name to the resource connector host that runs the job. This option is available only if you enabled ENABLE_RC_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_BY_USER=Y in the lsb.params file.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bsub -gpu command option and bsub -R "rusage[]" resource string now has the mig option to specify Nvidia Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) device requirements.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the bsub -network command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

bsubmit (New)

In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the bsubmit command allows job submission users to submit jobs as another job execution user. Define the user mapping policies for the bsubmit by creating the lsf.usermapping file in the $LSF_ENVDIR directory.

To use this command, you must download and deploy the bsubmit executable file, which is a wrapper for the bsub command. For more details, refer to the following link:


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the new bswitch -a command option specifies an application-specific eswitch executable file that you want LSF to associate with the job switch request.


  • The -l option now displays the global fair share policy (FS_POLICY) configuration for the user group.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the bugroup command now displays a new field, PRIORITY, which shows the absolute priority scheduling (APS) user group factors.


  • The -w option now displays two new fields: PJOBS and MPJOBS.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, the busers command now displays a new field, PRIORITY, which shows the absolute priority scheduling (APS) factors for the specified users or user groups.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, the new busers -o option customizes specific fields that the busers command displays.

bwait (New)

In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 2, the bwait command pauses and waits for the specified job condition to occur before the command returns. End users can use this command to reduce workload on the mbatchd daemon by including bwait in a user script for running jobs instead of using the bjobs command in a tight loop to check the job status.

  • In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, you can now prevent LSF from using the bwait command within a job by setting the new LSB_BWAIT_IN_JOBS parameter in the lsf.conf file to N.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 5 and Fix Pack 6, you can now define a default epsub program by adding an executable file named epsub (with no application name in the file name) in the LSF_SERVERDIR directory.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, all elim.gpu.* ELIMs are deprecated and removed.


  • hostsetup --setuid: In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, this new command option enables the setuid bit for LSF administration commands (badmin, lsadmin, egosh, utmpreg, swtbl_api, ntbl_api, lstbl_nid, and swtbl_poe). Since this allows LSF administration commands to run with root privileges, do not enable the setuid bit if you do not want these LSF commands to run with root privileges.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the lim -t and -T options ignore the NUMA level if the host only has a single NUMA node.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the lim -t option shows the number of NUMA nodes as a hyphen (-) instead of 0 if the host has no NUMA nodes.
  • -T: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this option now display the physical index for the socket and core, similar to the existing output for the bhosts -aff command.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the lsadmin command no longer has the setuid bit set at installation. This means that this command no longer runs with root privileges.

  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the following LIM and RES daemon control commands are obsolete and will be deprecated in a future release:
    • lsadmin limrestart
    • lsadmin limstartup
    • lsadmin limshutdown
    • lsadmin resrestart
    • lsadmin resstartup
    • lsadmin resshutdown

    Instead of these obsolete commands, use the bctrld action lim or bctrld action res (where action is restart, start, or stop) to control the LIM or RES daemons.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, tasks in the execution side that the lsgrun command runs use the UNIX group information that is set by the user on the client side, if the LSF_UGROUP_TRANSFER parameter is enabled in the lsf.conf file.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the new lshosts -gpu option displays GPU topology information for the cluster.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, the new lshosts -o option customizes specific fields that the lshosts command displays.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 7, the new lshosts -json option displays customized lshosts -o command output in JSON format. The -json option must be used together with the -o command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the LOCATION field in the lshosts -s command displays ALL instead of displaying each individual host in the cluster if the LOCATION parameter in the lsf.cluster.clustername file is set to all to indicate that the resource is shared by all hosts in the cluster. Use the new lshosts -loc command option to display each individual host in the cluster.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the lshosts -gpu command now displays the GPU vendor type (AMD or Nvidia).
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the lshosts -gpu command option now shows whether the GPU supports MIG functions.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the new lshosts -mig command option displays detailed information on MIG instances. The -mig option must be specified together with the lshosts -gpu command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the lshosts -cname command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  • -T: In LSF 10.1 Fix Pack 13, this option now display the physical index for the socket and core, similar to the existing output for the bhosts -aff command.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the lsload -cname command option is deprecated and removed.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

lsportcheck (New)

In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 9, this new command displays ports that LSF is currently using or the LSF ports that will be used before starting LSF..


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the new lsload -o option customizes specific fields that the lsload command displays.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 3, the new lsload -json option displays customized lsload -o command output in JSON format. The -json option must be used together with the -o command option.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 4, the lsload -o option now has the following fields:
    • gpu_status* shows the status of the GPU (ok, error, or warning). If more than 1 GPU is reported, an index is appended to the resource name, starting at 0. For example, gpu_status0 and gpu_status1.
    • gpu_error* shows the detailed error or warning message if the gpu_status* field is not ok. If more than 1 GPU is reported, an index is appended to the resource name, starting at 0. For example, gpu_status0 and gpu_status1.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the new lsload -gpu option displays host-based GPU information.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 6, the new lsload -gpuload option displays GPU-based information.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the lsload -s and lsload -l command options no longer display GPU-based information if LSF_GPU_RESOURCE_IGNORE=Y is defined in the lsf.conf file. Use the lsload -gpu or lsload -gpuload options to view this information.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, the LOCATION field in the lsload -s command option displays ALL instead of displaying each individual host in the cluster if the LOCATION parameter in the lsf.cluster.clustername file is set to all to indicate that the resource is shared by all hosts in the cluster. Use the new lsload -loc command option to display each individual host in the cluster.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 11, the lsload -gpuload command option now displays the gpu_power column to show the power utilization per GPU on the host.
  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, the lsload -cname command option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

lsreghost (New)

The lsreghost command directly registers LSF host names and IP addresses with LSF servers so that LSF servers can internally resolve these hosts without requiring a DNS server. You can resolve the host name and IP address for LSF hosts with non-static IP addresses in environments where DNS is not able to properly resolve these hosts after their IP addresses change.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.


  • In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 10, tasks in the execution side that the lsrun command runs use the UNIX group information that is set by the user on the client side, if the LSF_UGROUP_TRANSFER parameter is enabled in the lsf.conf file.


In LSF Version 10.1 Fix Pack 12, this command is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.