Two multicluster models
There are two different ways to share resources between clusters using the LSF multicluster capability: using the job forwarding model, or the resource leasing model. Additionally, these models can be combined, for example, Cluster1 forwards jobs to Cluster2 using the job forwarding model, and Cluster2 borrows resources from Cluster3 using the resource leasing model.
Job forwarding model
In this model, the cluster that is starving for resources sends jobs over to the cluster that has resources to spare. To work together, two clusters must set up compatible send-jobs and receive-jobs queues.
With this model, scheduling of multicluster jobs is a process with two scheduling phases: the submission cluster selects a suitable remote receive-jobs queue, and forwards the job to it; then the execution cluster selects a suitable host and dispatches the job to it. This method automatically favors local hosts; a multicluster send-jobs queue always attempts to find a suitable local host before considering a receive-jobs queue in another cluster.
Resource leasing model
In this model, the cluster that is starving for resources takes resources away from the cluster that has resources to spare. To work together, the provider cluster must “export” resources to the consumer, and the consumer cluster must configure a queue to use those resources.
In this model, each cluster schedules work on a single system image, which includes both borrowed hosts and local hosts.
Choosing a model
- The job forwarding model can make resources available to jobs from multiple clusters, this flexibility allows maximum throughput when each cluster’s resource usage fluctuates. The resource leasing model can allow one cluster exclusive control of a dedicated resource, this can be more efficient when there is a steady amount of work.
- The lease model is the most transparent to users and supports the same scheduling features as a single cluster.
- The job forwarding model has a single point of administration, while the lease model shares administration between provider and consumer clusters.