Non-uniform name spaces
By default, LSF assumes a uniform user name space within a cluster and between clusters.
- User account mapping
To support the execution of batch jobs across non-uniform user name spaces between clusters, LSF allows user account mapping.
- File transfer
By default, LSF uses lsrcp for file transfer (bsub -f option),
The lsrcp utility depends on a uniform user ID in different clusters.
Account mapping between clusters
By default, LSF assumes a uniform user name space within a cluster and between clusters. To support the execution of batch jobs across non-uniform user name spaces between clusters, LSF allows user account mapping.
For a job submitted by one user account in one cluster to run under a different user account on a host that belongs to a remote cluster, both the local and remote clusters must have the account mapping properly configured. System-level account mapping is configured by the LSF administrator, while user-level account mapping can be configured by LSF users.
System-level account mapping
You must be an LSF administrator to configure system level account mapping.
System-level account mapping is defined in the UserMap section of lsb.users. The submission cluster proposes a set of user mappings (defined using the keyword export) and the execution cluster accepts a set of user mappings (defined using the keyword import). For a user’s job to run, the mapping must be both proposed and accepted.
lsb.users on cluster1:
Begin UserMap
user1 user2@cluster2 export
user3 (user4@cluster2 user6@cluster2) export
End UserMap
lsb.users on cluster2:
Begin UserMap
user2 user1@cluster1 import
(user6 user8) user3@cluster1 import
End UserMap
Cluster1 configures user1 to run jobs as user2 in cluster2, and user3 to run jobs as user4 or user6 in cluster2.
Cluster2 configures user1 from cluster1 to run jobs as user2, and user3 from cluster1 to run jobs as user6 or user8.
Only mappings configured in both clusters work. The common account mappings are for user1 to run jobs as user2, and for user3 to run jobs as user6. Therefore, these mappings work, but the mappings of user3 to users 4 and 8 are only half-done and so do not work.