Benefits of the LSF multicluster capability
Within an organization, sites can have separate, independently managed LSF clusters. Having multiple LSF clusters could solve some common problems, such as ease of administration, different geographic locations, or scalability
When you have more than one cluster, it is desirable to allow the clusters to cooperate to reap
the following benefits of global load sharing:
- Access to a diverse collection of computing resources
- Enterprise grid computing becomes a reality
- Get better performance and computing capabilities
- Use idle machines to process jobs
- Use multiple machines to process a single parallel job
- Increase user productivity
- Add resources anywhere and make them available to the entire organization
- Plan computing resources globally based on total computing demand
- Increase computing power in an economical way
A multicluster environment enables a large organization to form multiple cooperating clusters of
computers so that load sharing happens not only within clusters, but also among them. A multicluster
environment enables:
- Load sharing across a large numbers of hosts
- Co-scheduling among clusters: Job forwarding scheduler considers remote cluster and queue availability and load before forwarding jobs.
- Resource ownership and autonomy to be enforced
- Non-shared user accounts and file systems to be supported
- Communication limitations among the clusters to be taken into consideration in job scheduling