Data collection
The following new features affect IBM Spectrum LSF data collection.
Use external scripts to check applications and to send notifications
LSF now includes the watchdog feature to regularly run external scripts that can check application data, logs, and other information, and to send notifications. If enabled, you can also use the watchdog feature to send these notifications to the LSF Application Center Notifications server.
Enable the watchdog profile for a particular application profile by specifying the WATCHDOG parameter in the lsb.applications file. Use the bsub -app option to submit jobs to application profiles with the WATCHDOG parameter enabled.
To enable LSF to send notifications to LSF Application Center, specify the URL and the listen port of the LSF Application Center Notifications server in the LSF_AC_PNC_URL parameter of the lsf.conf file.
In the external watchdog scripts, use the bpost -N command option to send a notification (with the message in the -d option and the specified error level) to the LSF Application Center Notifications server:
bpost -d "message" -N WARNING | ERROR | CRITICAL | INFO
Use the bread -N command option to see information on these notifications.