Command output formatting

The following enhancements affect LSF command output formatting.

json format added to badmin perfmon view command

To support the graphing of performance metrics data in other LSF family applications (for example, IBM Spectrum LSF Application Center), a [-json] option has been added to the badmin perfmon view command.

Display allocated guarantee hosts with the bsla command

The bsla command can now display information on guarantee hosts that are being used (allocated) from each guarantee pool for the guarantee SLA. To enable the display of information on allocated guarantee hosts in the bsla command, configure LSB_GSLA_DISPLAY_ALLOC_HOSTS=Y in the lsf.conf file.

When enabled, the bsla command displays information on the allocated guarantee hosts in a new section (USED GUARANTEE HOSTS), and the hosts are organized by guarantee pool. bsla only displays this new section if there are jobs running in the SLA.

Customize host resource information output

Like the bjobs -o option, you can now also customize specific fields that the lshosts command displays by using the -o command option. This allows you to create a specific output format, allowing you to easily parse the information by using custom scripts or to display the information in a predefined format.

You can also specify the default output formatting of the lshosts command by specifying the LSF_LSHOSTS_FORMAT parameter in the lsf.conf file, or by specifying the LSF_LSHOSTS_FORMAT environment variable.

Add a reason when killing a job

A new option -C reason has been added to the bkill command. This gives the user the option to add a reason as to why the job is being killed.

Total number of requested slots in bjobs -o output

You can now use the bjobs -o option to show the total number of requested slots for jobs by specifying the nreq_slot field (in the bjobs -o command or the LSB_BJOBS_FORMAT parameter in the lsf.conf file).

The total number of requested slots is usually the number of tasks that are requested with the bsub -n option. For certain job submissions, such as affinity jobs, exclusive jobs, jobs with alternative resource requirements, or jobs with compound resource requirements, the calculated number of slots is not as apparent. For pending jobs, specifying the nreq_slot output field allows you to view the calculated number of requested slots and can help determine why a job is pending.

GPU allocation information in bjobs -o output

You can now use the bjobs -o option to show GPU allocation information using the following output fields in the bjobs -o command or the LSB_BJOBS_FORMAT parameter in the lsf.conf file:

  • gpu_num: The number of physical GPUs that the job is using. This corresponds with the num keyword in the GPU requirement string.
  • gpu_mode: The GPU compute mode that the job is using (shared or exclusive_process). This corresponds with the mode keyword in the GPU requirement string.
  • gpu_alloc: The job-based GPU allocation information.
  • j_exclusive: Whether the job requested exclusive allocated GPUs (that is, if the GPUs cannot be shared with other jobs). This corresponds with the j_exclusive keyword in the GPU requirement string.