The following new features affect LSF installation.
Enabling support for Linux cgroup accounting to control resources
Control groups (cgroups) are a Linux feature that affects the resource usage of groups of similar processes, allowing you to control how resources are allocated to processes that are running on a host.
With this release, you can enable the cgroup feature with LSF by enabling the ENABLE_CGROUP parameter in the install.config file for LSF installation. The LSF installer sets initial configuration parameters to use the cgroup feature.
Automatically enable support for GPU resources at installation
Support for GPU resources in previous versions of LSF required manual configuration of the GPU resources in the lsf.shared and lsf.cluster.cluster_name files.
With this release, you can enable LSF to support GPUS automatically by enabling the ENABLE_GPU parameter in the install.config file for LSF installation. The LSF installer sets initial configuration parameters to support the use of GPU resources.