Licensing Db2

You can apply a valid license to Db2® by using the db2licm command.

About this task

The installation and operation of IBM Spectrum Control requires that Db2 is running on your system.
Important: After your Db2 11.1 trial license period expires, Db2 11.1 does not start without a valid license.

IBM Spectrum Control does not support the Db2 11.5 Community license.


To apply a valid license to Db2 with the db2licm command, complete the following steps:

  1. Retrieve and extract a valid Db2 license that is supplied on the IBM Spectrum Control download site.
  2. Open a Db2 command prompt or switch to the Db2 instance owner user and in the location where you extracted your Db2 license, change to the following directory:

awse_o/db2/license/             if you are using Db2 11.1
std_vpc/db2/license/          if you are using Db2 11.5

  1. Run the following command:
    Using Db2 11.1 on the Windows operating system:
    Db2_installation_location\BIN\db2licm -a db2awse_o.lic
    Using Db2 11.5 on the Windows operating system:
    Db2_installation_location\BIN\db2licm -a db2std_vpc.lic

    where Db2_installation_location is the base installation directory for Db2 on your computer. For example, C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB.

    Using Db2 11.1 on the AIX®/Linux® operating system:
    Db2_installation_location/adm/db2licm -a db2awse_o.lic
    Using Db2 11.5 on the AIX/Linux operating system:
    Db2_installation_location/adm/db2licm -a db2std_vpc.lic

    where Db2_installation_location is the base installation directory for Db2 on your computer. For example, /opt/ibm/db2/V11.5.