Tutorial: Collocating volumes

In this tutorial task, you want to minimize the exposure of servers to multiple back-end storage systems by collocating volumes that are assigned to the same hypervisor or server. You can enforce the collocation of volumes when you enter the criteria for analyzing tiering and balancing pools.

About this task

To ensure that volumes in the same storage pool that are assigned to the same server or hypervisor are kept together, you want to enforce the collocation of volumes. By enforcing the collocation of volumes, you prevent the placement of related volumes in destination pools that might be on multiple back-end storage systems.
Multiple host connections to the same hypervisor or server: If the volumes in the source pool that are assigned to the same hypervisor or server are assigned to different host connections, the collocation of the volumes is affected. In such cases, if volumes require optimization, the volumes that are assigned to the same host connection are kept together. To view information about the host connection for the volume, right-click the volume, select View Details, and then click the Host Connections tab.


  1. From the Storage menu, click Pools.
  2. Right-click the pools that you want to analyze, and then click Analyze Tiering.
  3. Select the target storage pools.
  4. On the Optimize the Placement of Volumes page, ensure that Collocate volumes is set to Yes.
  5. Click Analyze.


If a volume requires re-tiering, a recommendation is generated to move all of the volumes that are assigned to the same server to the same destination pool. If none of the target pools have sufficient space to accommodate all of the volumes, then recommendations to move the volumes are not generated.