If the IBM
Spectrum Control uninstallation
process fails, you must manually uninstall the components.
Before you begin
This procedure assumes the following conditions:
- You installed IBM
Spectrum Control in
the default directory.
- You used default ports.
- You used the default IBM
Spectrum Control database
repository named TPCDB.
To manually uninstall IBM
Spectrum Control
components, complete the following steps:
Run the following command to stop the Storage Resource agent:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep /opt/IBM/TPC/agent| grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Run the following command to stop the Data server:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep data | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Run the following command to stop the Device server:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep deviceServer | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Run the following command to stop the Alert server:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep alertServer | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Run the following command to stop the Export server:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep export | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Run the following command to stop the GUI:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep webServer | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Run the following command to stop the data collector:
kill -9 `ps -aef | grep collector | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` 2> /dev/null
Drop the database by completing the following steps:
- Source the
- Enter db2 drop db TPCDB.
Go to the /db2_admin_home/db2_instance_name/ directory
and ensure that the database directory is deleted.
Delete the following files and folders:
rm -r `find /etc -name *tpcdsrv* -print`
rm -r `find / -name *itsanm* -print`
rm -r /etc/Tivoli/TSRM/registry
rm -r /etc/Tivoli/TSRM/registryNA
rm -r /etc/Tivoli/TSRM/lock
rm -fr /opt/IBM/TPC