Renaming tasks

You can change the name of a task by using the task detail page. For example, use the Provisioning page to change the name of a provisioning task. A task name is automatically generated when the task is created. If the original name is ambiguous or is not clear enough, you can change the task name to a unique task name that you provide.

Before you begin

You must have the following privileges to rename the different task types:
To rename provisioning tasks, you must be the owner of the task or have Administrator privileges.
Other task types
To rename all other tasks, such as tiering analysis, balance analysis, transform plan, and analysis-execution tasks, you must have Administrator privileges.


  1. From the menu bar, go to the Tasks page, a resource list page for a resource type, or a resource detail page for a specific resource.
    For example, to view the tasks that are related to servers, go to Servers > Servers, and click the Tasks tab.
  2. Locate the task that you want to rename.
  3. Right-click the task row and select View Details.
    The task detail page opens in a separate window. For example, the Provisioning page opens if you select a provisioning task.
  4. Type the new name in the task name field.
    The naming conventions for task names are:
    • The maximum length is 64 characters.
    • Uppercase and lowercase letters are allowed.
    • Spaces and numbers are allowed.
    • The following special characters are allowed:

      ! # % & * + - / = ? ^ _ { } ( )

  5. Click Rename.


The task is renamed. You can view the renamed task on the Tasks page.