You can change the user name and password that IBM
Spectrum Control uses to log in to a hypervisor. You can also
change the host name or IP address of the hypervisor.
the menu bar, go to .
Right-click a hypervisor and select .
Update the host name or IP address, user name, or password for the hypervisor.
The user name and password must contain the following valid characters:
- A through Z (uppercase characters)
- a through z (lowercase characters)
- 0 through 9 (numeric characters)
- Special characters: ! # % & * + - / = ? ^ _ { } ( ) . ,
- User names and passwords cannot contain spaces and must have at least one character.
- The maximum length of a user name or password is 128 characters.
- The user name must have permission to browse the data stores on a hypervisor. For more
information about permissions, see Checking permissions to browse data stores.
Click OK.