Remove hypervisors and VMware vCenter servers that you
no longer want to monitor with IBM
Spectrum Control.
To remove hypervisors and vCenter servers, complete the
following steps:
- Go to
Information about monitored hypervisors
and vCenter servers is displayed.
- Right-click a hypervisor and select Remove.
The hypervisor and all its data are removed from
Spectrum Control immediately.
Any data collection jobs and alerts are also removed.
When you remove
vCenter Server,
the hypervisors that it manages are also removed from
Spectrum Control. However,
information about the hypervisors is not removed immediately, but
is retained according to the
Data for missing resources setting
on the
History Retention page. The default setting
is 14 days. If the default setting is used, all information about
the hypervisors is deleted 14 days after the related
vCenter Server was
Tips: After a
vCenter Server is
removed, but before its managed hypervisors are removed according
to the retention settings, the following conditions occur:
- Any data collection jobs that are scheduled for the hypervisors
- Because data is no longer collected, any alerts that were based
on that data are not generated.