Viewing performance alerts

View the alerts that were generated when the measured value of a performance metric falls outside of the specified threshold for a resource.

Before you begin

To generate performance alerts, you must collect performance data and define performance alerts for that resource, or for the alert policy that manages the resource. For information about how to collect performance data, see Creating performance monitors in IBM Spectrum Control. For information about how to define performance alerts, see Defining alert definitions for performance changes.


  1. Complete one of the following tasks to view performance alerts:
    Task Steps
    View the performance alerts for a specific storage system
    1. In the menu bar, choose one of the following options:
      • Storage > Block Storage Systems
      • Storage > File Storage Systems
    2. Double-click a storage system.
    3. Click Alerts in the General section.
    View all the performance alerts that were generated for switches
    1. In the menu bar, select Network > Switches.
    2. Click the Alerts tab.
    View the performance alerts for a specific switch
    1. In the menu bar, select Network > Switches.
    2. Double-click a switch.
    3. Click Alerts in the General section.
  2. Right-click the performance alert that you want to view and select View Alert.
    In this view, a chart shows the performance of the resource that violated the threshold and generated the alert. The time range of the chart is 2 hours before and 2 hours after the violation occurred. The lines on the chart represent the following values:
    • The blue line represents the performance of the resource for the selected metric.
    • The red line represents the threshold that was violated.
    • The dotted line represents the time when the violation occurred.
    For certain storage systems, a ranked list of the 25 volumes that were the top contributors to the workload on the resource where the threshold violation occurred might be displayed below the chart. This list is shown under the following conditions:
    • The performance threshold was violated on an internal resource other than a port.
    • The performance threshold was violated on any of the following storage systems:
      • DS8000
      • XIV
      • IBM Storage Accelerate
      • SAN Volume Controller
      • Storwize V3500
      • Storwize V3700
      • Storwize V7000
      • Storwize V7000 Unified

    You can also view the servers or hosts to which those volumes are assigned.

  3. Optional: To access the full performance view of a resource that violated the threshold, click the open performance view icon Icon for opening a separate browser window on the chart.