Filters for storage virtualizers in capacity and relationship reports
You can filter capacity and relationship reports to include only the storage virtualizers and storage virtualizer volumes that meet specific criteria.
Storage virtualizer filters
You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following filters:
- Virtualizers Not Connected to Servers
- Shows storage virtualizers that are not connected to servers.
Filters for storage virtualizer volumes
You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following filters:
- Rows with Virtualizer Volumes
- Shows storage virtualizer disks that are connected to the storage virtualizer that have an associated volume.
- Rows without Virtualizer Volumes
- Shows storage virtualizer disks that are connected to the storage virtualizer that do not have an associated volume.
- Virtualizer Primary Volume Information
- Shows primary volumes that are connected to the storage virtualizer. You can use this filter if you want to get a total of the used space on primary volumes in your storage environment.
- Virtualizer Volume Copy Information
- Shows copy volumes that are connected to the storage virtualizer. You can use this filter if you want to get a total of the used space on volume copies in your storage environment.