Data for hypervisors in capacity and relationship reports

You can include general information, capacity data, properties, and other information about hypervisors in capacity and relationship reports.

Information about hypervisors

You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following information:

Hypervisor Name
The fully qualified domain name of the hypervisor. For example, the name of a hypervisor might be
Hypervisor Short Name
The host name from the fully qualified domain name of the hypervisor. For example, if the fully qualified domain name of the hypervisor is, the host name is mycomputer.

Capacity and usage data

You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following information:

Hypervisor Kernel Memory (GiB)
The amount of memory on a hypervisor that is used for kernel memory. Kernel memory is used to perform internal operating system processes.
Hypervisor Service Console Memory (GiB)
The amount of memory on a hypervisor that is used for the VMware ESX Service Console. Service Console is the operating system that is used to interact with ESX and the virtual machines that run on the hypervisor.
Hypervisor Swap Space (GiB)
The amount of disk space on a resource that is available to store some of the contents of the RAM when the RAM is full.
Hypervisor Total Disk Capacity (GiB)
The amount of storage space on disks on a hypervisor.
Hypervisor Total Disk Available Space (GiB)
The amount of unused storage space on disks on the hypervisor.
Hypervisor Total File System Available Space (GiB)
The amount of unused storage space that is available on the file systems on a hypervisor.

Component properties

You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following information:

Hypervisor IP Address
The IP address of the resource.
Hypervisor OS Type
The software that runs the hypervisor, that is, VMware ESX.
Hypervisor OS Version
The version number of the operating system that is running on the resource.
Hypervisor Processor Architecture
The architecture of the processor on the server or hypervisor. For example, the architecture of a processor might be Intel 64 bit (IA64) or Intel 32 bit (IA32).
Hypervisor Processor Count
The number of processors on the server or hypervisor.
Hypervisor Processor Speed (MHz)
The speed of the processor on the server or hypervisor.
Hypervisor Processor Type
Shows information about the processor, such as the family and model of the processor.
Hypervisor RAM (GiB)
The amount of RAM on the server or hypervisor.
Hypervisor Software API Version
The version number of the software API that runs on the hypervisor.
Hypervisor Software Full Name
The name, version number, and build number of the software that runs the hypervisor.
Hypervisor Time Zone
The time zone in which a resource is located.
Hypervisor Location
The physical location of a hypervisor. The location is defined when a hypervisor is added to IBM Spectrum Control. You can add or edit the location of the hypervisor in the Properties pane of the hypervisor.
Hypervisor Custom Tag 1, 2, and 3
User-defined text that is associated with a hypervisor. You can add or edit the custom tags for a hypervisor in the Properties pane of the hypervisor.

Vendor, model, and device information

You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following information:

Hypervisor Model
The model name or model number of the resource.
Hypervisor Serial Number
The serial number of the resource.
Hypervisor Vendor
The vendor who supplied the resource.

Status information

You can create capacity and relationship reports that include the following information:

Hypervisor Status
The condition of the resource, for example normal, warning, or error.
Hypervisor Is Detected
Shows whether the resource was detected the last time that data was collected. If this value is Yes, the resource was detected.
Hypervisor Last Data Collection
The date and time when storage statistics were last collected from the resource.
Hypervisor Last Start Time
The last time that the resource was started.