Exporting repository data

Use the Repository copy tool to export data from an existing repository into a text file.


To export repository data, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the following default directory:
    Windows operating systems:
    c:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\data\server\tools
    Linux® or AIX® operating systems:
  2. Issue the repocopy command:
    Windows operating systems:
    Linux or AIX operating systems:
  3. Select Export data from repository tables and click Next.
  4. In the Options for Import/Export window, enter information in the following fields:
    Directory for Export
    Enter the directory where the comma-delimited file is saved.
    Enter a delimiter for the delimited file format (a comma is the default).
    Enter the symbol that contains string data (double quotation marks is the default).
    IBM Spectrum Control exports the data into the comma-delimited file that you specify, and places it in a file named tablename.txt. Click Next.
  5. Select one of the following options and click Next.
    • Export by using DB2® native format.
    • Export by using text files (the preferred method).
  6. Select one of the following options and click Next.
    • Export base tables (always export the base tables)
    • Export Performance Manager tables, if requested by IBM® Software Support
    • Export history tables, if requested by IBM Software Support.
    The information that is detected in the server.config file is displayed in the Connection Properties window within the following fields:
    • Database Types
    • User name
    • Password
    • Driver Class
    • Driver URL
    • Database
    • DB Creator
    • Classpath
    If you want to export data from a different database from the one listed in the server.config file, you can select the database from the Database Types list box. Manually enter the database information.
  7. Click Finish.
  8. Click Run.


As you progress through the export process, messages are written to a progress log that is displayed. You can track the steps through the progress log.

When the repocopy command is used with a remote database, the DB2 shared library is not available for loading the libTSRMinsudb.so file. You can ignore this message. Click OK and continue.