Editing the response file

You must edit and save the appropriate response file when you install IBM Spectrum Control by using silent mode. The silent mode installation option for the response file is -f absolute_path_to_response_file. For example, in the Windows operating system, you enter -f C:\installimage\silent_SingleServerTypical.properties.

Use the following response files during a silent mode installation:

This file specifies that all the IBM Spectrum Control components are installed on one server. You can customize this file by changing the ports for the Data server, Device server, Alert server, Export server, web server, and Storage Resource agent.

This file specifies that all the IBM Spectrum Control components are installed on one server with the following customization options:
  • Change the user name and password to install the database repository.
  • Change the name of the database repository.
  • Change the paths for the database repository.
  • Change the path for the database repository log.
  • Change the ports for the Data server, Device server, Alert server, Export server, web server, and Storage Resource agent.
This file specifies the information that is required for a multiple-server environment. You can install the database repository on a remote server and install the other IBM Spectrum Control components on a local server.

Common response file parameters

These installation parameters are valid for all the response files.
Specifies the installation type. Not all options are available in all the response files. Table 1 shows you the options that you can specify.
Table 1. Options for the CHOSEN_INSTALL_TYPE parameter
Properties file Valid options
  • Single Server Install
  • License Upgrade
  • Single Server Install
  • License Upgrade
  • Multiple Server Install
  • License Upgrade
For example:
CHOSEN_INSTALL_TYPE="Single Server Install"
Specifies whether the user accepts the IBM Spectrum Control license agreement. The options are as follows:
The user accepts all the terms and conditions of the IBM Spectrum Control license agreement.
false or any other value
The user does not accept the IBM Spectrum Control license agreement. The installation program exits.
Specifies the location where you want to install IBM Spectrum Control.
On Windows operating systems, you must use double backslashes. For example:
The default value for Windows operating systems is C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\TPC.
Note: If the operating system on which you are installing IBM Spectrum Control is sensitive to spaces in directory paths, change the default installation location to not include spaces, for example, C:\apps\IBM\SC .

The default value for AIX® or Linux® operating systems is /opt/IBM/TPC.

Specifies the fully qualified host name of the server.

If your system is configured for dual stack networking (with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses), IBM Spectrum Control defaults to IPv4 addressing.

Ensure that DNS is configured correctly on your server and verify that these files exist on your target server:
  • For Windows operating systems, C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.
  • For AIX or Linux operating systems, /etc/hosts.
These files must have an entry similar to the following example:
myserver.example.mycompany.com myserver
Specifies the first port in a range of ports. The default beginning port is 9549. These ports are used by the IBM Spectrum Control servers, and the Storage Resource agent.
Specifies the user name to install IBM Spectrum Control. The default user name for Windows operating system is db2admin. The default user name for AIX or Linux operating system is db2inst1.
The user name that you select must have the following operating system privileges:
  • For Windows operating systems, the user name must be in the administrators group.
  • For Linux operating systems, the user name must be in the root group.
  • For AIX operating systems, the user name must be in the system group.
If you are using the common user name to also install the database repository, the user name must have these Db2® privileges:
  • For Windows operating systems, the user name must be in the DB2ADMNS group.
  • For AIX or Linux operating systems, the user name must be in the db2iadm1 group.
Specifies the password for the common user name.
Specifies whether a full rollback or partial rollback is done when an installation failure occurs. These are the values:
Specifies that a partial rollback occurs. This value is the default.
Specifies that a full rollback occurs.
Specifies whether to use the license key file that is present on the installation image. The value can be:
Uses the license key that is present on the installation image (default value)
Provides the location of the license key file
Depending on the license package you purchased, one of these license files is included with IBM Spectrum Control in the product electronic image:
IBM Spectrum Control license
IBM Spectrum Control Select Edition license
Specifies the path for the license key file. This value must be set if the varUseLicenseKeyOnImage=1 parameter is specified.
On the Windows operating system, you must use double backslashes. For example:

Response file parameters for advanced customization of the database repository

These parameters are used for the silent_SingleServerCustom.properties and silent_MultipleServer.properties response files to configure the database repository.


Specifies the user name that you must use to install the IBM Spectrum Control database. The user who logs in with this user name must be the owner of the Db2 instance where the database is created.

This user name must have these Db2 privileges:
  • For Windows operating systems, the user name must be in the DB2ADMNS group. The default user name is db2admin.
  • For AIX or Linux operating systems, the user name must be in the db2iadm1 group. The default user name is db2inst1.
Specifies the password that is associated with the Db2 user name.

Specifies the name of the IBM Spectrum Control database. The default database name is TPCDB.

Specify the database name by using the following rules:
  • The name can contain the following characters:
    • a - z
    • A - Z
    • 0 - 9
  • The name must be 1 - 8 characters long.
Restriction: The database name cannot have the following conditions:
  • Contain a space or a blank.
  • Begin with SYS, DBM, or IBM®.
  • Be the name of an existing database.
varDBPath=database_location, database_location, ...

Specifies the absolute paths for the database.

The database path must follow these rules:
  • The path cannot be longer than 242 bytes.
  • The path must be an absolute path and not a relative path, for example, C:\

You can specify a maximum of 10 database paths and separate them with commas. For example, in the Windows operating system, you would specify C:,D:. In the AIX or Linux operating system, you would specify /home/db2inst1,/testPath.

  • For example, on the Windows operating system, if the database is on the C drive, you can add a D drive, an E drive.
    On Windows operating systems, you must use double backslashes. For example:
  • For example, on the AIX operating system:

Specifies the absolute path where the database log files are stored. The default value of the variable is set to <dftdbpath>/<instance name>/<varDBName>/SQLLOG.

For example:
  • On Windows operating systems, c:\\DB2\\TPCDB\\SQLLOG
  • On AIX operating systems, /home/db2inst1/db2inst1/TPCDB/SQLLOG

Response file parameter for the multiple-server environment

This parameter is valid for the silent_MultipleServer.properties file.

Specifies the IBM Spectrum Control components to install.
Installs the IBM Spectrum Control database repository.
Installs the Data server, Device server, Alert server, Web server, the Storage Resource agent, CLI, and the IBM Spectrum Control GUI.

Response file parameters for the remote database

The following parameters are used only in the silent_MultipleServer.properties response file to access the IBM Spectrum Control database on a remote server.
Remember: The Db2 database must be installed before you can use these parameters to access the database.
Specifies the fully qualified host name or IP address of the remote server where the IBM Spectrum Control database repository is installed.

IBM Spectrum Control accepts both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you have a system that is configured for dual stack networking (with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses), IBM Spectrum Control defaults to IPv4 addressing.

For example, an IPv6 address in long form can be 2001:DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0. An IPv6 address in short form can be 2001:DB8:: or 2001:DB8:

Specifies the Db2 port on the remote server. The default port is 25000. Port 50000 can also be used.
Specifies the administrative user name to connect to the remote database. The default user name for the Windows operating system is db2admin. The default user name for the AIX or Linux operating system is db2inst1.
Specifies the password for the user name.
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Control database on the remote server. The default name is TPCDB.