TPCD.config file
The list of parameters that are set in the TPCD.config file include server parameters and GUI parameters.
The following list describes the server parameters:
- threadPoolSize
- Number of initial threads to create for handling requests. The default is 3.
- abbreviatedProbe
- Only SCSI commands are sent to disk drives for inquiry and disk capacity information. The default is 1.
- maxThreads
- Set the maximum number of threads for handling requests. The default is 8.
- pingReceiveTimeout
- Number of seconds to wait before it indicates that a ping failed. The default is 10.
- skipAutoFS
- Set to 1 if you want to skip the automount process during discovery on the Oracle Solaris Storage Resource agent. By default, discovery always processes automount on all Oracle Solaris Storage Resource agents managed by the Data server.
- saveNonRoot
- Set to 1 if you want to monitor non root exports. The default is 0.
- batchPartitionWaitRetryCount
- Specify the number of times that the Storage Resource agent tries to get a report partition before the Storage Resource agent fails with an error.
The following list describes the GUI parameters:
- threadPoolSize
- Number of initial threads to create for handling user interface requests. The default is 3.
- maxThreads
- Set the maximum number of threads for handling user interface requests. The default is 10.
- reportRowLimit
- Maximum number of rows that are sent at a time to the user interface. If this number is exceeded, a More button is displayed over the table, along with a warning message. The default is 5000.
- keepCachedReport
- Number of minutes to retain incomplete reports in the tmp directory for the server. The default is 120.