Exporting performance data by using a script

Use the exportPerformanceData script to export performance data for managed resources. If you contact IBM® Support to help you analyze a performance problem with storage systems or fabrics, you might be asked to send this data.

Running the exportPerformanceData script

You can run the exportPerformanceData script on the server where IBM Spectrum Control is installed. The script is run from the installation_directory/scripts directory on the server. You can export the performance data for one or more managed resources.

The exportPerformanceData script can be run on Windows and AIX®/Linux® servers:
  • Windows default location: C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\scripts\exportPerformanceData.bat
  • AIX/Linux default location: /opt/IBM/TPC/scripts/exportPerformanceData.sh or /usr/IBM/TPC/scripts/exportPerformanceData.sh

The following arguments are required when you run the exportPerformanceData script:

-user user_name
Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-pwd password
Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-resNames resource_name1 resource_name2 resource_name3...
Specifies the names of storage system, switch, or fabric names as displayed in the UI, separated by spaces. If the resources have spaces in the names, then you must enclose the resource names in double quotation marks (").

To view the optional parameters that the script uses, run the script with the -help option.


To collect and export performance data to a compressed file for a storage system:
>cd c:\Program Files\IBM\TPC\scripts\
>exportPerformanceData -user scUser1 -pwd scPwd1
      -out "c:\web data\performance reports\Array1.20160402"
      -resTypes storageSystem,Nodes,Pools,Ports
      -start "2016-02-04 00:00:00" -end "2016-02-04 23:59:59"
      -summType hourly -advPkg yes -zip no
      -resNames "Production Array 1"

This command creates a directory Array1.20160402 in c:\web data\performance reports\ if the directory does not exist already. The command writes to that directory the CSV files that contain the hourly performance data for the whole storage system, nodes, pools, and ports. The data is for the storage system named Production Array 1. The time range of the data is from Apr 2, 2016 0:00 AM to Apr 2, 2016 11:59 PM. One minute sample and volume data are included where they are available in the specified time range.