On the logon page for IBM
Spectrum Control,
you can show customized text when users access the GUI.
Open the directory that was created to install IBM
Spectrum Control:
- The default installation directory for Windows
operating systems is C:\Program Files\IBM\TPC.
- The default installation directory for AIX® or Linux® operating systems is
Go to one of the following directories:
- Windows operating systems
- \wlp\usr\servers\webServer\customization
- AIX or Linux
operating systems
- /wlp/usr/servers/webServer/customization
Open the LoginText.html file in a text editor:
Type the text that you want to show to the user before they log on to the GUI.
Tip: To format the text that you want to add, you can use HTML tags, such as paragraph
tags, list tags, bold tags, and italic tags.
Save the LoginText.html file.
Open the GUI.
The customized text that you added is shown under the logon page.