
Use the modifysrg command to modify an existing storage resource group. You can add and remove members by specifying the member type, such as switch or volume, and the key for the member you want to add or remove.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramtpctoolmodifysrg-user user_name -pwd password -url url -add-remove-name SRGName -type srgfabricswitchserversubsystempoolvolumehostdiskvmdiskmdiskdiskfilesystemexportvmvolumegroupdatastore -key memberKey-help-fs character-qs character?-silent-header

Parameters and arguments

-user user_name
Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-pwd password
Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-url url
Specifies the Device server. The format of the URL is system:port_number, where system represents either the host name or IP address, and port_number represents the IBM Spectrum Control Device server port.
Adds a member to the specified storage resource group, which is designated by the specified member type and key.
Removes an existing member from the specified storage resource group, which is designated by the specified member type and key. Use the lssrgmembers -name SRGName to see a list of members and member keys for a specified storage resource group.
-name SRGName
Indicates the unique storage resource group where the member is added or removed. To view a list of the storage resource groups that are known to IBM Spectrum Control, see the output of the lssrg.
srg | fabric | switch | server | subsystem | pool |
volume | hostdisk | vmdisk | mdisk | disk | filesystem | export | vm | volumegroup | datastore
Denotes the type of element that corresponds to the unique key in the key parameter of this function.
-key memberKey
Specifies the unique key that corresponds to the member and member type that is specified in the type parameter.
-fs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that separates the information in the output. If you omit this parameter, the information is separated by blank spaces.
Suppresses the column headings in the output. If you omit this parameter, the column headings are included.
-help | -h | -?
Lists help information for the command.
-qs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that surrounds character strings and date stamps in the output. If you omit this parameter, character strings and date stamps are enclosed by double quotation marks (").
Suppresses all output for the command. If you omit this parameter, output is included.

Example: Adding or removing members of a storage resource group

You can add or remove members of a specified storage resource group with the following command:
tpctool> modifysrg -remove -name test.srg -type srg

The following output is returned:

SRG Name   Member Key                         Member Type 							Status
test.srg 	Storage Resource Group 	SUCCESS