
Use the modifydeptgroup command to modify an existing department. You can add and remove members of a department by specifying the member type. For example, a deptgroup type for a department or an appgroup type for an application and the -memberid parameter for the individual member. You can also use a -tagkey and -tagvalue member pair.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramtpctoolmodifydeptgroup-user user_name -pwd password -url url -add-remove-id DepartmentGroupID -type deptgroupappgroup -memberid MemberID of the type OR-tagkey udp1 udp2udp3 -tagvalue tagvalue-help-fs character-qs character?-silent-header

Parameters and arguments

-user user_name
Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-pwd password
Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-url url
Specifies the Device server. The format of the URL is system:port_number, where system represents either the host name or IP address, and port_number represents the IBM Spectrum Control Device server port.
Adds a member to the specified department, which is designated by the specified member -type and -memberid or the -tagkey,-tagvalue parameter pair.
Removes a member from the specified department, which is designated by the specified member -type and -memberid parameters or the -tagkey,-tagvalue parameter pair. Use the lsdeptgroupmembers -id id of the department command to view a list of members and member IDs for a specified department.
-id DepartmentGroupID
Indicates the unique ID of the department where the member is added or removed. Use the lsdeptgroup command, to view a list of the departments that are known to IBM Spectrum Control.
-type deptgroup|appgroup
Denotes the department or application type that needs to be added or removed. This parameter can contain any alphanumeric character, with a maximum of 60 characters in length.
-memberid MemberID of the type
The unique ID of the member being added or removed. Use the lsdeptgroup command, to view a list of the departments that are known to IBM Spectrum Control.
You can specify one of the following key types for this parameter:
The unique name of the department to be added or removed that is specified by the -memberid parameter.
The unique name of the application to be added or removed that is specified by the -memberid parameter.
-tagkey udp1 or udp2 or udp3
Specifies the -tagkey parameter that is used to add or remove department members.
-tagvalue tagvalue
Specifies the -tagvalue parameter that is used to add or remove department members.
Note: You can only specify one -tagkey and -tagvalue parameter member pair at a time.
-fs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that separates the information in the output. If you omit this parameter, the information is separated by blank spaces.
Suppresses the column headings in the output. If you omit this parameter, the column headings are included.
-help | -h | -?
Lists help information for the command.
-qs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that surrounds character strings and date stamps in the output. If you omit this parameter, character strings and date stamps are enclosed by double quotation marks (").
Suppresses all output for the command. If you omit this parameter, output is included.

Example: Adding members to a department

The following example adds the department member that is specified by the -type and -memberid parameters, with /Department/5044 -type deptgroup.

You can add members of a specified department, with the following command:
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5041 -add -type deptgroup
-memberid /Department/5044

The following output is returned:

Group Name	   Member ID		          MemberType	    Status
Accounting	   /Department/5044	        Department	     SUCCESS
You can add an appgroup type to a specified department, with the following command:
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5035 -add -type appgroup
-memberid /Application/7024

The following output is returned:

Group Name	   Member ID		          Member Type	      Status
Sales          /Application/7024     Application       SUCCESS

Example: Removing members of a department

The following example removes the department member that is specified by the -type and -memberid parameters.

You can remove members of a specified department with the following command:
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5041 -remove -type deptgroup
-memberid /Department/5044

The following output is returned:

Group Name	   Member ID            MemberType	 Status
Accounting	   /Department/5044	   Department	 SUCCESS
You can remove the appgroup type for a specified department, with the following command:
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5035 -remove -type appgroup
-memberid /Application/7024

The following output is returned:

Group Name	  Member ID                 Member Type	         Status
Sales        /Application/5044                   Application     SUCCESS

Example: Adding department members with tags

The following example adds department members that are specified by the -tagkey and -tagvalue parameters.

You can add members of a specified department with tags using the following command:
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -add -id /Department/5041 -type deptgroup -tagkey udp1
-tagvalue value1

The following output is returned:

Group Name      Member ID         Member Type      Status
Accounting     /Department/5044  Department Group  SUCCESS
Accounting     /Department/5035  Department Group  SUCCESS
Accounting     /Department/6044  Department Group  SUCCESS
Accounting     /Department/6035  Department Group  SUCCESS

Example: Removing department members with tags

The following example removes department members that are specified by the -tagkey and -tagvalue parameters.

You can remove members of a specified department with tags using the following command:
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -remove -id /Department/5041 -type deptgroup -tagkey udp1
-tagvalue value1

The following output is returned:

Group Name      Member ID         Member Type          Status
Accounting     /Department/5044  Department Group     SUCCESS
Accounting     /Department/5035  Department Group     SUCCESS
Accounting     /Department/6044  Department Group     SUCCESS
Accounting     /Department/6035  Department Group     SUCCESS