Use the modifydeptgroup command to modify an existing department. You can add and remove members of a department by specifying the member type. For example, a deptgroup type for a department or an appgroup type for an application and the -memberid parameter for the individual member. You can also use a -tagkey and -tagvalue member pair.
Parameters and arguments
- -user user_name
- Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
- -pwd password
- Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
- -url url
- Specifies the Device server. The format of the URL is system:port_number, where system represents either the host name or IP address, and port_number represents the IBM Spectrum Control Device server port.
- -add
- Adds a member to the specified department, which is designated by the specified member -type and -memberid or the -tagkey,-tagvalue parameter pair.
- -remove
- Removes a member from the specified department, which is designated by the specified member -type and -memberid parameters or the -tagkey,-tagvalue parameter pair. Use the lsdeptgroupmembers -id id of the department command to view a list of members and member IDs for a specified department.
- -id DepartmentGroupID
- Indicates the unique ID of the department where the member is added or removed. Use the lsdeptgroup command, to view a list of the departments that are known to IBM Spectrum Control.
- -type deptgroup|appgroup
- Denotes the department or application type that needs to be added or removed. This parameter can contain any alphanumeric character, with a maximum of 60 characters in length.
- -memberid MemberID of the type
- The unique ID of the member being added or removed. Use the lsdeptgroup command, to view a list of the departments that are known to IBM Spectrum Control.
- -tagkey udp1 or udp2 or udp3
- Specifies the -tagkey parameter that is used to add or remove department members.
- -tagvalue tagvalue
- Specifies the -tagvalue parameter that is used to add or remove department members.
- -fs character
- Specifies the 7-bit character that separates the information in the output. If you omit this parameter, the information is separated by blank spaces.
- -header
- Suppresses the column headings in the output. If you omit this parameter, the column headings are included.
- -help | -h | -?
- Lists help information for the command.
- -qs character
- Specifies the 7-bit character that surrounds character strings and date stamps in the output. If you omit this parameter, character strings and date stamps are enclosed by double quotation marks (").
- -silent
- Suppresses all output for the command. If you omit this parameter, output is included.
Example: Adding members to a department
The following example adds the department member that is specified by the -type and -memberid parameters, with /Department/5044 -type deptgroup.
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5041 -add -type deptgroup
-memberid /Department/5044
The following output is returned:
Group Name Member ID MemberType Status
Accounting /Department/5044 Department SUCCESS
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5035 -add -type appgroup
-memberid /Application/7024
The following output is returned:
Group Name Member ID Member Type Status
Sales /Application/7024 Application SUCCESS
Example: Removing members of a department
The following example removes the department member that is specified by the -type and -memberid parameters.
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5041 -remove -type deptgroup
-memberid /Department/5044
The following output is returned:
Group Name Member ID MemberType Status
Accounting /Department/5044 Department SUCCESS
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -id /Department/5035 -remove -type appgroup
-memberid /Application/7024
The following output is returned:
Group Name Member ID Member Type Status
Sales /Application/5044 Application SUCCESS
Example: Adding department members with tags
The following example adds department members that are specified by the -tagkey and -tagvalue parameters.
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -add -id /Department/5041 -type deptgroup -tagkey udp1
-tagvalue value1
The following output is returned:
Group Name Member ID Member Type Status
Accounting /Department/5044 Department Group SUCCESS
Accounting /Department/5035 Department Group SUCCESS
Accounting /Department/6044 Department Group SUCCESS
Accounting /Department/6035 Department Group SUCCESS
Example: Removing department members with tags
The following example removes department members that are specified by the -tagkey and -tagvalue parameters.
tpctool> modifydeptgroup -remove -id /Department/5041 -type deptgroup -tagkey udp1
-tagvalue value1
The following output is returned:
Group Name Member ID Member Type Status
Accounting /Department/5044 Department Group SUCCESS
Accounting /Department/5035 Department Group SUCCESS
Accounting /Department/6044 Department Group SUCCESS
Accounting /Department/6035 Department Group SUCCESS