
Use the lsfset command to list all filesets or specified filesets that are associated with a file system on a Storwize V7000 Unified or IBM Storage Scale storage system.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramtpctoollsfset-user user_name -pwd password -url url -filesystemfile_system_id-fileset  file_set_id-l-fs character-header -help-qs character?-silent-grouping

Parameters and arguments

-user user_name
Specifies an IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-pwd password
Specifies the password for the IBM Spectrum Control user ID.
-url url
Specifies the Device server. The format of the URL is system:port_number, where system represents either the host name or IP address, and port_number represents the IBM Spectrum Control Device server port.
-filesystem file_system_id | -fileset file_set_id...
Specifies that information is displayed for all filesets that are on a file system.
The -filesystem parameter requires the ID for the file system. You can use the lsfs command to view information, including the file system IDs, for all file systems that were discovered.
The -fileset parameter specifies that information is displayed only for specific filesets. You can enter one or multiple fileset IDs. Use a comma to separate multiple IDs.
Specifies that information is listed. The following information is included:
An ID for the fileset that is composed of the fileset name, file system name, cluster name, storage system name, and storage system format.
The name of the fileset.
The path for the fileset. The path is displayed only if linked is displayed in the Status column.
The status of the fileset can be one of the following values: linked or unlinked.
Used Space (GB)
The amount of space that is used by the fileset.
Used I-Nodes
The number of used inodes in the fileset.
The type of the fileset, such as cache source or cache. No value in this column indicates that the fileset is not enabled for caching.
If you omit this parameter, only the ID is returned.
-fs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that separates the information in the output. If you omit this parameter, the information is separated by blank spaces.
Suppresses the column headings in the output. If you omit this parameter, the column headings are included.
-help | -h | -?
Lists help information for the command.
-qs character
Specifies the 7-bit character that surrounds character strings and date stamps in the output. If you omit this parameter, character strings and date stamps are enclosed by double quotation marks (").
Suppresses all output for the command. If you omit this parameter, output is included.
Enables the grouping of numeric values. For example, in English, the value 12000 is displayed as 12,000. The grouping character is determined by the system locale.

Example: List all filesets that are on a specified file system

The following command generates a list of all filesets that are on a file system:
tpctool> lsfset -filesystem

The following output is returned:

Fileset                  Path                                 Status Used Space(GB)
root                      /ibm/gpfs0                           linked     3.8
CiprianCet                /ibm/gpfs0/CiprianCet                linked       0
p_swfset1                 /ibm/gpfs0/p_swfset1                 linked       -
afs_c_ro3                 /ibm/gpfs0/afs_c_ro3                 linked       -
afs_c_ro43                /ibm/gpfs0/afs_c_ro4                 linked       -
afs_c_ro5                 /ibm/gpfs0/afs_c_ro5                 linked       -
cachefset1                /ibm/gpfs0/cachefset1                linked       -
Cet1                      /ibm/gpfs0/CiprianCet/Cet1           linked       0
testCache                 /ibm/gpfs0/testCache                 linked       -
testCache_rw              /ibm/gpfs0/testCache_rw              linked       -
eecache01                 /ibm/gpfs0/eecache01                 linked       -
shirley_cache_source_fset /ibm/gpfs0/shirley_cache_source_fset linked       -
afs_c                     /ibm/gpfs0/afs_c                     linked       -
adriand_ace               /ibm/gpfs0/adrian_acedir             linked       0
afs_c_ro                  /ibm/gpfs0/afs_c_ro                  linked       -
afs_c_lu                  /ibm/gpfs0/afs_c_lu                  linked       -
Used I-Nodes                    Type
4110                             -
4                             Cache source
4                             Cache
3                             Cache
2                             Cache
7                             Cache
2                             Cache
1                               -
3                             Cache
3                             Cache
2                             Cache
2                             Cache
2                             Cache
1                               -
2                             Cache
2                             Cache